In 1913 (2 years of the Republic of China). Hu Jingyi, who succeeded Yin as governor of Sichuan Military Government because of Yin Changheng's rebellion against Tibet, continued to cast the Han Dynasty, adding 200 large-denominated copper yuan weighing seven dollars. The face value of the direct book "Bian Baiwen" in the center of the coin is divided into Jiasui patterns on both sides, with the sugar year number "Two Years of the Republic of China" on the top and the rust factory name "Made in Sichuan Mint" on the bottom, and the Cross stars on the left and right.
Dual-flag coins originated in the Republic of China, which only existed for several decades in the prehistory of our country. Therefore, in an era of chaos and uneasiness, coins can still be preserved intact after experiencing endless years, which is not easy. They have high preservation value of prehistoric cultural relics and exhibitions in the field of cultural and artistic blending. Many fruitful innovative explorations have been conducted.
這兩枚四川省造雙旗幣貳百文,藝術品經歷了無窮歲月稍有磨損,錢幣正面圈內為其幣值“貳百文”,下環鑄“四川造幣廠造”。此幣形制規整,銅質精純,在歷經歲月之后至今雖盡顯斑駁古意,但仍不失熠熠光彩,其鑄工精湛;錢幣背面珠圈內鐫兩面交叉五色旗,圈外英文環繞一周。此枚銅幣現存世量極少,具有很高的收藏和投資價值。 藏品雖經歷了歲月,但紋路依然清晰可見,上面的銹跡也見證了其歷史的積淀,具有非常明顯的歷史過渡性特征,有著難以言喻的收藏價值。上面的銹跡也見證了其歷史的積淀。此民國二百文雙旗幣銅幣材質珍貴也具有一定的保值和升值空間,將成為收藏投資就領域中的一批黑馬。
These two coins were made in Sichuan Province, and the works of art experienced a slight wear and tear in the infinite years. The front circle of the coins was "cheap hundred words", while the lower circle was "made in Sichuan Mint". The coin is well-regulated in shape and pure in copper. Although it has been mottled with ancient ideas over the years, it still shines brilliantly and has exquisite workmanship. On the back of the coin, there are five-coloured flags crossed on both sides of the bead circle, surrounded by English outside the circle. This copper coin has a very small amount and high value of collection and investment. Although the collection has gone through years, the lines are still clearly visible. The rust on it also witnesses the accumulation of its history. It has a very obvious historical transitional characteristics and has an indescribable collection value. The rust on it also witnessed the accumulation of its history. The material of the 200-character double-flag coin copper coin in the Republic of China is precious and has some room for preservation and appreciation. It will become a group of dark horses in the field of collection and investment.