糧票是20世紀50年代至80年代中國在特定經濟時期發放的一種購糧憑證。 中國最早實行的票證種類是糧票、食用油票、布票等。糧票作為一種實際應用的有價證券,在中國使用達40多年,隨著社會的發展,它已退出了歷史舞臺,成為收藏者的新寵。
Food stamps are a kind of purchase certificate issued by China in the 1950s to 1980s in a specific economic period. The earliest types of tickets in China are grain tickets, edible oil tickets and cloth tickets. As a practical application of securities, grain tickets have been used in China for more than 40 years. With the development of society, it has withdrawn from the historical stage and become a new favorite of collectors.
那時候,必須憑糧票才能購買糧食。其實憑票供應不是我國最早采用的,蘇聯在十月革命后,當時國內不穩定,內戰不斷,商品缺乏,就采取商品有計劃的分配,發放各種商品票證,蘇聯最早的票證是1916年的鞋票。 美國也在二戰時期商品緊張時,發放了各種商品票證,其種類也不少,這其中就含有糧票性質的票證。現在還有一些國家仍然采用憑票供應方式,如朝鮮、越南等一些國家。
At that time, food must be purchased on the basis of food stamps. In fact, the supply of vouchers was not the earliest in our country. After the October Revolution, the Soviet Union adopted a planned distribution of goods and issued various commodity vouchers. The earliest vouchers in the Soviet Union were shoes in 1916. The United States also issued various kinds of commodity tickets during World War II when commodities were scarce, including food tickets. At present, some countries still use voucher supply, such as North Korea, Vietnam and other countries.
1991 年5 月,廣東、海南率先實行糧食購銷同價改革。1992 年4 月1 日,政府決定在全國范圍內推行這一改革。1992 年10 月,黨的十四大確立了我國經濟體制改革的目標是建立社會主義市場經濟體制之后,全國各地先后放開糧食及其他產品價格,實行購銷同價,促進糧食產銷與市場接軌。
In May 1991, Guangdong and Hainan took the lead in implementing the reform of grain purchase and sale at the same price. On April 1, 1992, the government decided to carry out this reform nationwide. In October 1992, after the 14th National Congress of the Communist Party of China established the goal of economic system reform in China to establish a socialist market economic system, all parts of the country have liberalized the prices of grain and other products, implemented the purchase and sale of the same price, and promoted the integration of grain production and marketing with the market.
糧價放開后,激活了其他商品的流通,促進了農民生產積極性,糧食產量顯著增長。1993 年,糧油實現敞開供應,糧票已無用武之地,被正式宣告停止使用,長達近40 年的“票證經濟”就此落幕,老百姓再也不用為找不到糧票發愁了。
In 1993, when grain and oil were supplied openly, food stamps were officially declared useless, and the "ticket economy" which lasted for nearly 40 years ended. People no longer had to worry about finding food stamps.
Food tickets themselves are worthless tickets, but they can buy the national brand price of grain. In fact, food tickets have become a kind of securities. The face value of the grain ticket is equal to the difference between the national price and the market price. Since 1993, China has abolished the use of food stamps. Food stamps have quickly entered the ranks of collectibles, and the number of "food" collectors in China has been expanding. In the past two years, some countries in Hong Kong, Macao SAR and Europe and the United States have purchased high-priced treasures from China's grain stamps. With the passage of time and the warming of grain gathering fever, the grain ticket collection market will also rise. As long as we grasp the basic principles of collecting food stamps, the prospects of investing in collecting food stamps will be considerable. As the second "currency" of China, grain stamps have lasted 40 years in China. It reflects the social and economic conditions of various historical periods in China, and has more important research value and collection value.