In recent years, the market line of ancient coins collection is quite optimistic, can be said to be unique, coins are also favored by coin collectors, and, as the local auction of ancient coins collection more and more, we can foresee that the location of ancient coins in the collection market, began to become more important and more precious.
袁大頭是民國時期主要流通貨幣之一,“袁大頭”是對袁世凱像系列硬幣的口語俗稱,嚴謹點說叫“袁世凱像背嘉禾銀幣”。民國袁像銀幣是近代錢幣重要的組成部分,俗稱“袁大頭”, 在錢幣收藏界被稱為銀元之寶。由于它是實物貨幣,介于人們對貴金屬的認可,以及對歷史文化強烈的認同感,民國銀幣成為研究中國近代革命史的珍貴實物和依據,因此收藏的人不在少數,具有極高的收藏價值。
Yuan Datou is one of the main currency in circulation during the Republic of China, "Yuan Datou" is the colloquial colloquiality of Yuan Shikai like a series of coins, strict point called "Yuan Shikai like the back of Jiayu silver coins." Yuan like silver coins in the Republic of China is an important part of modern coins, commonly known as "Yuan Datou", in the coin collection is known as the treasure of silver yuan. Because it is a physical currency, between people's recognition of precious metals, as well as a strong sense of identity with history and culture, the Republic of China silver coins have become a study of China's modern revolutionary history of precious physical and basis, so the collection of people are not in the minority, with a very high collection value.
民國四年袁大頭鮮為人知,此幣是由天津造幣廠(原“直隸戶部造幣廠”)鑄造。但該幣在發行之初就遭到很多人的反對,在上海成立上海商業儲蓄銀行的陳光甫就堅決反對。然而此時的袁世凱迫于孫中山派胡漢民等赴菲律賓,許崇智等赴南洋籌餉加快討袁的壓力,執意決定發行以充實國庫,但是由于當時的種種原因,“四年”銀幣只試鑄幾枚,便停了。袁世凱于1916年6月6日死于北京,混亂的時局下他的繼任者處于種種因素的考慮,最終停止“四年”銀幣的發行。取而代之的是之后的民國8、9、10年版大洋。此幣為銀質機制鑄幣, 正面為袁世凱側面像,上有“中華民國四年”; 錢背面中間幣值“壹圓”, 周圍環嘉禾紋飾。
Yuan Datou of the Republic of China is little known, this coin was minted by the Tianjin Mint (formerly the "Zhili Ministry Mint"). But the currency was opposed by many at the start of its issuance, and Chen Guangfu, who founded the Shanghai Commercial Savings Bank in Shanghai, was firmly opposed. However, at this time Yuan Shikai forced Sun Yat-sen sent Hu Hanmin and so on to the Philippines, Xu Chongzhi and so on to the South China Sea to speed up the pressure to ask Yuan, determined to issue to enrich the national treasury, but because of various reasons at that time, "four years" silver coins only tried to mint a few, then stopped. Yuan Shikai died in Beijing on June 6, 1916, and his successor was under various factors in the chaos that led to the suspension of the "four-year" silver coin. Instead, it was followed by the 8th, 9th and 10th editions of the Great Ocean. This coin is a silver mechanism coin, the front is Yuan Shikai side image, there is "four years of the Republic of China"; The middle of the money is "round", surrounded by a ring of garuda.
Now the republic of China four years Yuan Datou is extremely rare, major museums and coin experts are struggling to find its trace, very precious. This coin is well-minted, good quality, and this version of the cast volume is less, less survived, very collectible value.