1906年(光緒三十二年)7月, 清政府處戶部又奏請朝廷, 擬將當時全國24處銅元局, 酌量歸并為九處, 如折中所述:“然中國幅員遼闊, 若如全國僅設一廠,轉運恐形不便,惟有相度地勢之拼。除臣部所設總廠外,擬以山東歸并直隸為一廠,湖南歸并湖北為一廠,江西、安徽、江蘇、清江并歸江寧一廠,浙江歸并福建為一廠, 廣西歸并廣東為一廠。合奉天、河南、 四川、云南四廠,共九處, 皆歸臣部統轄,調劑盈虛, 彼此均可勻撥。”在歸并銅元局得以順利實施的同時,又限定各省每日鑄造銅元數額,以避免重蹈濫造的覆轍。此后,清政府將戶部改稱“度支部”,命各省造幣廠改稱度支部造幣分廠,欲統而治之,鞏固中央造幣集權。in 1906, in July, that government of the government of the Qing government took the imperial court, and it was propose that at that time, at that time, the local bureau of the bureau of the government of the republic of China, at the time of the country's 24 bureau of copper, should be merged into nine, as the trade-off said: "the vast territory of China, if there is only one factory in the whole country, the transfer of fear is inconvenient, In addition to that general plant of the ministry, it is proposed to merge with Shandong as a plant, Hunan merge Hubei as a plant, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu, Qingjiang and belong to Jiangning one factory, Zhejiang and Fujian as a factory, Guangxi to merge with Guangdong as a plant. The four plants in Yunnan, at the total of nine, are under the control of the Department of the People's Republic of China. This can be evenly dialed, "the spokesman said. While the merger of the copper yuan bureau was successfully implemented, the daily amount of copper dollars cast in the provinces was limited to avoid repeated mistakes. Since then, the Qing government changed the name of the household department to the "Dudu Branch," and ordered the provincial mint to be renamed the Dou Branch Mint Branch, in order to unify and govern it, and consolidate the centralization of central coin making power.此階段新疆地區鑄行“宣統元寶”銅元,西藏地區曾鑄行“宣統寶藏”銅元,僅此兩例。雖然清政府處心積慮改革幣制,但未能有效遏制住全國大肆鑄造銅元的勢頭,各省局以利之所在都陽奉陰違,邊疆省份云南竟敢違背不準設新廠的詔令, 1907年(光緒三十三年)設局鑄行“云”字大清銅幣。At this stage, "Xuantong Yuanbao" copper yuan was cast in Xinjiang, and "Xuantong treasure" copper yuan was cast in Tibet. Although the Qing government made great efforts to reform the currency system, it failed to effectively curb the momentum of wantonly casting copper dollars across the country, and the provinces and Bureaux violated the imperial edict that did not allow new factories to be set up, and in 1907 (Guang Xu 33) set up a bureau to cast the word "cloud" in the Qing Dynasty.value, and it is worth the money-lovers to fine-and-do.
藏品名稱:大清銅幣藏品直徑:2.7mm 重量:7.1g藏品直徑:2.7mm 重量:7.3gCollection name: Daqing copper coin collection diameter: 2.7mm weight: 7.1g collection diameter: 2.7mm weight: 7.3g
該組藏品品相較好,形制規整,質地優良,字體筆法流通,紋飾刻制工細,此種錢幣存世量稀罕,有較高的珍藏價值,我們可以看出這枚錢幣成色很好,具有鮮明的特色。其包漿入骨,熟舊自然,深打字口清晰,流通痕跡顯著古錢幣珍藏是當今珍藏界的一大熱門,像我們今天見得這樣的錢幣,具有極高的投資價值和珍藏價值。它有著歷史熏陶,具有深遠的歷史紀念意義。This collection is good in appearance, regular in shape, good in texture, circulating in font style and engraved with ornaments. This kind of coin has a rare amount of money and has a high treasure value. We can see that this coin has good color and distinctive characteristics. Its pulp into the bone, mature and natural, deep typing clear, circulation marks are significantly ancient coin collection is a hot spot in the collection field today, such as the coin we see today, has a very high investment value and collection value. It has historical edification and profound historical commemorative significance.
This treasure is now temporarily placed in "Sichuan Shenghande Auction Co., Ltd." is interested in direct contact with the company!
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