第三套人民幣是中國人民銀行于1962年4月15日開始發行的。與第二套人民幣比價相等,并在市場上與之混合流通。這套人民幣取消了第二套人民幣中的3元紙幣,新增加了1角、2角、5角和1元四種金屬幣。紙幣中"中國人民銀行"六字是由馬文蔚先生所書寫。票面上兩方印章分別為"行長之章"和"副行長章"。紙幣背面印有用漢語拼音、蒙古文、維吾爾文、藏文、壯文書寫的"中國人民銀行"字樣。第三套人民幣1962年4月20日發行棗紅色1角紙幣起,到2000年7月1日停止流通,前后歷時38年,是文化瑰寶。第三套人民幣自1962年發行至2000年退出使用,是現有人民幣中流通時間最長,也是我國首次完全獨立設計、印制的一套紙幣。該套紙幣退出流通8年了,市場沉淀充分,其中的"1角背綠券"已升值16萬倍,顯現出"鈔王"的王者之風。第三套人民幣已具備了"退出流通"、"市場沉淀"、"鈔王領漲"3 大快速升值的必備條件。第三套人民幣市價并不高,為后市預留了極大的啟動空間。收藏天下網資深收藏顧問Mr.chan介紹說,收藏人民幣就是珍藏一段歷史。第三套人民幣從1962年4月開始正式發行,直到2000年7月才逐漸從老百姓的生活中淡出,在市場上共流通了38年,是現有的五套人民幣中流通時間最長的,也是我國首次完全獨立設計、印制的一套紙幣,記載了一段特殊、寶貴的歷史。
The Third Set of RMB Red Wealth
The third set of RMB was issued by the People's Bank of China on April 15, 1962. It is equal to the second set of Renminbi and mixed with it in the market. This set of RMB cancels the 3 yuan notes in the second set of RMB, and adds 1,2,5 and 1 yuan four kinds of metal coins. The six words "People's Bank of China" in banknotes are written by Mr. Ma Wenwei. The seals on both sides of the ticket are "Presidential Seal" and "Vice Presidential Seal". On the back of the note are printed the words "People's Bank of China" written in Pinyin, Mongolian, Uygur, Tibetan and Zhuang languages. The third set of RMB dated red dime notes was issued on April 20, 1962, and stopped circulating on July 1, 2000. It lasted 38 years. It is a cultural treasure. The third set of RMB was issued in 1962 and withdrawn from use in 2000. It has the longest circulation time among the existing RMB, and it is also the first set of banknotes designed and printed completely independently in China. The set of banknotes has been out of circulation for eight years, and the market has been well settled. The "green coupon with a corner" has appreciated 160,000 times, showing the "king of banknotes". The third set of Renminbi has already met the necessary conditions for rapid appreciation of the three major categories: withdrawal from circulation, market precipitation and banknote king leading. The third set of Renminbi market price is not high, which reserves a great starting space for the future market. Mr. Chan, a senior collection consultant at Collection World Network, said that collecting Renminbi is a period of history. The third set of RMB began to be issued formally in April 1962, and gradually faded out from the people's life until July 2000. It circulated in the market for 38 years. It is the longest circulation time among the five sets of RMB currently available. It is also the first set of banknotes designed and printed completely independently in China. It records a special and valuable calendar. History.
Recently, our company has the honor to collect a third set of RMB red wealth, Tibetans who are interested in bidding, Tibetans must pay close attention to the latest trading trends of our company.
Lest you miss your favorite works of art. Welcome to our company for appreciating, exchanging and negotiating. Collectors can get more details through our official website and Wechat public platform. General Chen, telephone 18665062276