藏品規格:直徑:39.1mm 重量:27.4g
此藏品為宣統三年大清銀幣五角,工藝精美,淡彩包漿,傳世痕跡明 顯,尤其是正面經手錢莊時候的防偽“五角星”“上”等記號,實屬 那難得,品相極佳,圖為宣統三年大清銀幣“長須龍”版,1911年, 清政府先前根據《幣制則例》制作的“宣統年造”系列銀銅幣并未發 行,而另起爐灶重新設計了“宣統三年”樣幣多種。宣三系列正面雷 同背面蟠龍有長須龍、短須龍、反龍、大尾龍及曲須龍等五種形式, 核定曲須龍交付生產后隨即爆發武昌起義,成為清代唯一由中央發行 的國幣。此宣統三年大清銀幣是收藏中的重器、此藏品為不可多得的 收藏佳品具有巨大的收藏價值及投資價值、宣統三年大清銀幣,在 2013年北京嘉德拍賣公司、在春季拍賣會中、一枚此幣、從起拍價32 萬中、經過數論競價、最終以213萬元圓滿落槌、掀起了、古錢幣的又 一輪收藏熱潮。藏品具有巨大的收藏價值和投資價值,如需收藏購買此藏品請與我們客服聯系,我們將竭誠為您服務。
This collection of qing xuantong three years silver cents, exquisite craft, light colour wrapped slurry, traces clear handed down from ancient times, especially when positive handle bank of anti-counterfeiting "star" sign "on" and so on, is the rare, excellent quality, the graph is qing xuantong three years silver version "bearded dragon", in 1911, the qing government previously made according to "the monetary rule" "xuantong year build" series of silver coin not line, the drawing board to redesign the specimen a variety of "xuantong three years".Xuan three series of positive ray have bearded dragons, stubble with dragons playing on the back leg, dragon, the dragon, the dragon and qu dragon and other five kinds of forms, erupted after the song must be dragon production delivery of the wuchang uprising, and become the only by the central issue of the national currency in the qing dynasty.Xuantong three years the qing silver is jack in the collection, the collection is rare collection market has a huge collection value and investment value, qing xuantong three years silver, in 2013 Beijing auction company, in the spring sale, a currency, from the opening bid in 320000, after bid number theory, ended with 2.13 million yuan hammer, raised a hot wave, another round of collection in ancient COINS.The collection has great collection value and investment value. If you want to purchase this collection, please contact our customer service, we will serve you wholeheartedly.