近日本公司有幸征集到 元 青花纏枝花紋獸耳瓶一件,口徑;7cm 底徑:11cm 高:37.6cm這件元青花纏枝紋獸耳梅瓶造型上,給人莊重、渾厚、質樸的感覺。具有明顯的元朝時期的青花風格。束頸,豐肩,底部無釉;口沿白釉。肩部繪花卉紋以及變體蓮瓣紋,紋樣密滿,層次分明,排列井然有序。頸兩側堆貼螭龍耳,器身纏枝蓮紋一周,腹部為主題圖案,纏枝紋。此釉色白中微閃青,青花發色濃艷,底足露胎,底部釉點為元青花典型特征,造型優美,線條流暢,色澤濃艷,為元青花中的精品。其次,元青花瓷是以鈷作為色彩原料在胚體上進行繪制,罩于青花之上的面釉多為白中閃青。細看這只梅瓶,不難發現瓶身青花花紋上帶有明顯的褐色斑點,這正是鐵的沉淀但不能夠太明顯。這件瓷器使用進口的“蘇麻離”青料,發色蒼翠濃艷,對比強烈。整個器型端莊穩重,堪稱元代青花瓷中的絕品佳作。此藏品將于2019年8月13日在臺灣故宮博物館開拍,誠邀各地收藏人士到場參與競拍。
Yuan Dynasty blue and white twisted pattern animal ear bottle, caliber; 7cm bottom diameter: 11cm high: 37.6cm this Yuanqing twisted pattern animal ear plum bottle shape, gives a solemn, thick, simple feeling. It has obvious blue and white style in Yuan Dynasty. Neck, shoulder, bottom glazed; mouth white glaze. The shoulders are painted with flower patterns and variations of lotus petals. The patterns are dense, hierarchical and orderly. The two sides of the neck are piled with chirong ears, the body is wrapped with lotus pattern for a week, and the abdomen is the theme pattern, wrapped with branches. This glaze is white, slightly glistening blue, blue and white hair color is rich and bright, the bottom glaze point is the typical characteristics of Yuan Blue and White, beautiful shape, smooth lines, rich color and luster, is the fine product of Yuan Blue and White. Secondly, Yuanqing blue-and-white porcelain is painted on embryo body with cobalt as color raw material, and the glaze covered with blue-and-white is mostly glistening blue in white. Looking closely at this plum bottle, it is not difficult to find that there are obvious brown spots on the blue and white pattern of the bottle body, which is precisely the precipitation of iron, but not too obvious. This porcelain is made of imported "Su Ma Li" green material with bright green hair and strong contrast. The whole vessel is dignified and solemn, which can be regarded as a masterpiece of blue and white porcelain of Yuan Dynasty.This collection will be filmed at the Palace Museum in Taiwan on August 13, 2019. Collectors from all over the country are invited to participate in the auction.