青花是一種白地藍花的釉下彩瓷器,明凈素雅,紋飾不易脫落。康熙青花瓷以胎釉精細,青花鮮艷,造型古樸多樣,紋飾優(yōu)美而負盛名。此件藏品為清代康熙年制的青花番蓮紋花鳥大盤,口徑:46cm 底徑:26cm敞口,淺弧腹,圈足。盤通體施白地青花裝飾,青花采用“蘇麻離青”料。盤中鳥棲于蓮花之上,纏枝枝干柔和纖秀,舒展流暢,變化豐富,形態(tài)各異,疏密有致,環(huán)環(huán)綻放,美不勝收。結構連綿不斷,具生生不息之意,寓意吉慶。整體構圖飽滿,胎質潔白細膩,釉面光潤。色調清雅明朗,花卉枝葉纏繞,似隨風舞動,輕盈瀟灑,顯得意趣橫生。此盤工藝精湛,繪畫精細,紋飾描繪盤曲迂回,生動活潑,瀟灑自然,線條舒展柔美,為清代康熙青花瓷的代表之作,極具收藏價值。
Qinghua is a kind of underglaze porcelain with Baidi blue flowers. It is clear and elegant, and the decoration is not easy to fall off. Kangxi Qinghua porcelain is fine with fetal glaze, bright blue flowers, simple and diverse shapes, beautiful and famous. This collection is the Qing Dynasty Kangxi year's Qinghua Fanlian pattern bird market, caliber: 46cm bottom diameter: 26cm exposure, shallow arc abdomen, circle foot. The plate is decorated with white blue flowers, and blue flowers use "Sumali" material. In the plate, the bird perches on the lotus flower, and the twigs are soft and delicate. They stretch smoothly, and they vary in shape. They are dense and dense. The ring is blooming and beautiful. The structure is continuous, with the meaning of endless life, meaning Jiqing. The overall composition is full, the fetal quality is white and delicate, and the glaze is smooth. The color is clear and elegant, the flower branches and leaves winding, like dancing with the wind, light and elegant, it seems interesting. This piece of exquisite craftsmanship, fine painting, decoration depicting the disk winding, lively, natural, natural, lines stretch soft and beautiful, for the Qing Dynasty Kangxi Qinghua porcelain representative work, very valuable collection.
This collection will be filmed at the Palace Museum in Taiwan on August 13, 2019. Collectors from all over the country are invited to participate in the auction.