典藏錢幣推薦 --- 開國紀念幣 雙旗幣
開國紀念幣 整體完好,圖文清晰。這種紀念幣有兩個版本: ( 分別是在1912年和1927年鑄造) 1927年版的“孫小頭”: 如果背面印有兩個五角星,稱為“上五角星”;如果背面印有兩個六角星,稱為“上六角星”。中華民國開國紀念幣是1911年12月29 日經辛亥革命后,光復的17省代表在南京推選孫中山為中華民國臨時大總統。民國成立時鼓鑄的紀念幣。
藏品一,錢面中央為孫中山側面肖像,邊緣內上鐫中文隸書“中華民國”四個字,下鐫“開國紀念幣”五個字,左右為五瓣梅花各一枝,意為“五權憲法”之意(五權指立法權、司法權、行政權、彈劾權和考試權),周邊有珠點、齒狀裝飾;背面中央為中文隸書“壹圓”及嘉禾紋飾,嘉禾紋每枝一穗三葉,代表“三民主義”之意(三民主義是指民族主義、民權主義和民生主義),邊緣鐫英文“MEMENTO”(紀念)、“BIRTHOFREPUBLICOFCHINA”(中華民國開國)字樣,左右分列六角星,直線邊齒,品相完好,包漿渾厚,極具收藏價值!藏品二為雙旗幣,1910年12月29 日,經辛亥革命后,已光復的17省代表在南京推選孫中山為中華民國臨時大總統。1912年1月3日,中華民國政府宣告成立,清朝滅亡,在中國持續2000 多年的封建君主專制隨之結束。民國成立時,由于幣制尚未建立,除四川改鑄大漢銀幣,福建改鑄中華元寶外,主要的造幣廠,大都仍沿用前清鋼模鑄造銀幣,以供流通需要。由于幣制混亂,臨時政府財政部長陳錦濤,于民國元年3月11日呈文大總統孫中山,鼓鑄10萬元紀念銀幣以為整頓。此藏品品相極好值得收藏!Recommended Collector's Coin -- Two Flags of the Founding Coin
In recent years, Chinese art has played an increasing role in the international auction market. The proportion of Chinese collections has also been increasing. The domestic and foreign art markets have gained strong momentum and entered a new era. This has also driven people's enthusiasm for collection. Many Tibetans have poured into the collection market, especially the collection of mechanism silver coins. Its material is precious, and it is very cultural. It has the characteristics of risky and low-yield investment and is deeply favored by Tibetans.
The founding commemorative coins are intact and clear. There are two versions of this commemorative coin:(cast in 1912 and 1927, respectively) The 1927 version of "Sunxiao": If there are two five-pointed stars on the back, it is called "the five-pointed star"; If there are two hexagonal stars printed on the back, it is called "upper hexagonal star." The founding commemorative coin of the Republic of China was elected by the representatives of the 17 provinces of Guangfu as the interim president of the Republic of China in Nanjing after the Revolution of 1911 on December 29, 1911. When the Republic of China was founded, it was cast as a commemorative coin.
First, the center of the collection is a portrait of Sun Yat-sen on the side, and the Chinese official script "Republic of China" on the edge, and the "Founding Memorial Coin" on the bottom, one for each of the five plum blossoms. It means "five-power constitution"(five powers refer to legislative power, judicial power, executive power, impeachment power, and examination rights), surrounded by beads and dentate decorations; On the back, the central government is the Chinese official script "Yuan Yuan" and the Jiahe decoration. Jiahewen has one ear and three leaves each, representing the meaning of "Three People's Principles"(the Three People's Principles refer to nationalism, democracy, and people's livelihood). The edges are engraved with the words "MEMENTO"(Memorial) and "BIRTHOFREPUBLICOFCHINA"(Founding of the Republic of China). The left and right sides are divided into hexagonal stars, straight-line teeth, and the quality is intact. The pulp is thick and has great collection value! The second collection was a double-flag currency. On December 29, 1910, after the Revolution of 1911, the representatives of the 17 provinces that had been restored elected Sun Yat-sen as the interim president of the Republic of China in Nanjing. On January 3, 1912, the government of the Republic of China was established and the Qing Dynasty was destroyed. The feudal monarchy that lasted for more than 2,000 years in China ended. When the Republic of China was established, due to the fact that the currency system had not yet been established, except for Sichuan's recasting of Dahan silver coins and Fujian's recasting of the Chinese ingot, most of the major mints still used the former Qing steel mold to cast silver coins for circulation needs. Due to the chaos of the currency system, the interim government's finance minister, Chenjintao, submitted to the President Sun Yat-sen on March 11 of the Republic of China and made 100,000 yuan to commemorate silver coins for rectification. This collection is well worth collecting!