陜西澳博文化服務有限公司【藏.薦】欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經一級鑒定專家甄選的藝術珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在拍賣會上得以高價成交
【名稱】宣統元寶 一組三枚
【規格】 重量:5.1g(三枚一樣) 直徑:2.4cm(三枚一樣)
圖一中,三枚銀元皆是東三省造宣統元寶“庫平一錢四分四厘”,幣面上緣環書“東三省造”,下緣環書“庫平一錢四分四厘”。左右兩側各有一組三星,中星為一個大五角星,上下為各一個小五角星。中心由67顆珠圓圍成圓圈,內書“宣統元寶”中心為滿文“宣統元寶”,幣邊緣有齒成環。錢幣背面中心為全鱗蟠龍,龍口有珠,尾下少云。上緣環書英文FIRST YEAR OF HSUAN TUNG(紀年:宣統元年);下緣環書:MANCHURIAN PROVINCES (東北省)幣中無“珠圓”,幣邊有細齒成環,邊道為直齒。此組錢幣形制規整,質地優良,字體筆法流暢,紋飾刻制工細。此種小面額銀幣存世量稀少。
The three silver coins in the picture are all made by Xuantong Yuan Bao in the three eastern provinces, namely, Kuping's four-quarters of a dollar, the upper ring book on the surface of the coin, "Made in the three eastern provinces" and the lower ring book "Kuping's four-quarters of a dollar". Each side has a group of three stars, the middle star is a big pentagon, and the upper and lower are each small pentagon. The center is surrounded by 67 Pearl circles. The center of the inner book "Xuantong Yuanbao" is the Manchu "Xuantong Yuanbao", and the edge of the coin has teeth and rings. The center on the back of the coin is a full-scale Panlong with pearls at the mouth of the dragon and few clouds at the tail. The upper ring book FIRST YEAR OF HSUAN TUNG (chronology: the first year of Xuantong); the lower ring book MANCHURIAN PROVINCES (Northeast Province) coins have no "beads". The edge of the coin has rings of fine teeth, and the side path is straight teeth. This group of coins is well-regulated in shape, excellent in quality, fluent in font and pen, and meticulous in decoration and engraving. Such small denomination silver coins are scarce in stock
There is no Manchu "Xuantong Yuanbao" or other decorations in the face of this coin. As a representative character of the Qing Dynasty, Manchu has always been shown on the coin. The central part of this coin is blank and thought-provoking. It is regarded as "wrong version" by some money experts. The same coin was sold at a high price of 1.8 million yuan in 2016 Taiwan auction house
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