During the reign of Emperor Puyi of Xuantong in Qing Dynasty, coin miners merged the new coin-making techniques of the West and Chinese classical culture, and finally created the world-famous three-year silver coin of Xuantong. In order to integrate the Qing Dynasty into the mainstream Western society. After a hundred years of historical precipitation, the Qing Dynasty has long been buried in the river of history. The three-year-old silver coin of Xuantong, the world's civilization, has also been withdrawn from the market. Instead, the collection market suddenly became popular.
Silver coins of the Qing Dynasty
重(W):26.9g 直徑(D):3.9cm
The coins of the Qing Dynasty established various kinds of coin products with different measurement sizes, such as "round" as the unit, silver as the standard, and one yuan as the main currency. At the same time, they strictly controlled the material quality and color of the silver dollar, and restored the issuance weight of the currency to the Qing government, which made the silver coins of the Xuantong Qing Dynasty in the production process and. It's better in character.
此枚大清銀幣宣統三年壹圓,尺寸頗佳,品相完美,齒輪規整,包漿醇厚,銹色自然,歷經無窮歲月的洗禮仍可保存此態,實屬難得,有著極高的藝術價值,經濟價值不菲。錢幣正面珠圈內刻漢字“大清銀幣”四字,字體端莊工整,圓潤飽滿,筆畫鏗鏘有力,十分俊美。珠圈外上端為滿文,下緣為漢字“宣統三年”四字,左右兩旁分列長枝菊花紋飾,花開燦爛,朝氣蓬勃,一派生機。錢幣背面中間為刻有漢字“壹圓”,下緣為英文“壹圓”, 曲須蟠龍沿邊緣自左向右騰云而起,環繞一周,尾須向上,龍頭置上,兩根長須彎曲,龍珠在“圓”字下方,龍鱗有序,粒??梢姡埣y精細,龍眼凸起,炯炯有神,鼻梁俏上,威武霸氣,彰顯皇家威嚴。可見此幣為十分稀少珍罕的大清銀幣宣統三年壹圓,身價不凡,價值高昂。
This Qing silver coin Xuantong three years round, size is quite good, perfect appearance, regular gears, thick slurry, rust natural, after infinite years of baptism can still preserve this state, is rare, has a very high artistic value, economic value. The front bead circle of the coin is engraved with the Chinese character "Qing silver coin", which has a dignified and neat font, full and round, powerful strokes and very beautiful. The upper end of the bead circle is Manchu, and the lower edge is the Chinese character "Xuantong three years". On both sides of the bead circle are long-branch chrysanthemum decorations. The flowers are brilliant, vigorous and lively. On the back of the coin, the Chinese character "one circle" is engraved on the middle, and the English word "one circle" is engraved on the lower edge. Quxupanlong rises from left to right along the edge, surrounds one circle, its tail is upward, its tap is on, two long beards are bent, and the Dragon beads are under the word "circle". The Dragon scales are orderly, the grains are visible, the Dragon lines are fine, the longan protrudes, and the dragon eyes are bright. Beautiful nose, majestic, highlighting the Royal majesty. It can be seen that this coin is a very rare and precious silver coin of the Qing Dynasty. Xuantong is one yuan in three years. It is of extraordinary value and high value.
Maybe many people don't know that Quxulong is the ultimate "national currency" - Xuansan of the Qing Dynasty. George designed and carved it himself. The literal and dragon faces of Quxulong were designed and finalized by George himself. Quxulong is not lack of dignity and domineering, but more exquisite and refined in details, so it is reasonable to become a "national currency".