Guangxu Yuanbao, the household of copper coins in the Qing Dynasty
規格(specification): 重(N):9.87g, 直徑(D):3.2cm,厚度(T):0.17cm
清末銅價劇漲,民間毀錢為銅,以獲數倍之利,市面出現錢荒。廣東因停鑄制錢,市面制錢日乏,小額流通十分不便。At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the price of copper soared, and people destroyed money for copper, so as to gain several times of the profits, and there was a shortage of money in the market. Due to the suspension of money-making in Guangdong, the market is running out of money and the circulation of small amounts is very inconvenient.
為救錢荒,同時受香港銅元及外幣影響,光緒26年6月,兩廣總督德壽與前總督李鴻章奏準廣東仿香港銅仙鑄造機制銅元。故清代機制銅元的鑄造由廣東伊始。繼而福建、江蘇、四川等省相繼仿鑄銅元。In order to save the money shortage, influenced by Hong Kong's copper dollar and foreign currency, in June 26, Guangxu, Governor Deshou of Guangdong and former Governor Li Hongzhang made a decision to imitate Hong Kong's copper coin casting mechanism. Therefore, the foundry of mechanism copper yuan in Qing Dynasty began in Guangdong. Then Fujian, Jiangsu, Sichuan and other provinces successively cast copper yuan.
戶部光緒元寶特征Household Guangxu Yuanbao's Characteristic
一、戶部光緒元寶為中國最大的機制龍銀。該幣所有字面、圖案表面均依勢圓潤凸起、錯落有致,有立體雕塑之感。文字間架結構大氣磅礴,猶如墨跡正在飽滿之時,令文人嘆為觀止!祥云蟠龍前后有別,形似騰躍之際,使觀者立感龍威無邊!First, Guangxu Yuanbao is the biggest mechanism of Longyin in China. All the literal and graphic surfaces of the coin are rounded and protruding according to the trend, with a sense of three-dimensional sculpture. The structure of the text compartment is magnificent, just like when the ink is full, which makes the scholars marvel! The Xiangyun Panlong is different from the others, and it looks like a leaping moment, which makes the viewer feel the boundless power of the dragon!
二、 戶部當制二十文銅幣可由“戶部”字筆法從“戶部到光緒元寶”字體是否工整。該幣滿文書法根基牢固、運筆自如、渾厚有力,深受中文行書書法精髓導引,頗具皇家風范。Second,The 20-character bronze coins made by the Ministry of Hubu can be neatly written in the style of "Hubu" from "Hubu" to "Guangxu Yuanbao". This coin Manchu calligraphy has a solid foundation, freely handled pens, vigorous and powerful. It is deeply guided by the essence of Chinese calligraphy, and has a royal style.
此件光緒元寶戶部造當二十銅元,大小合適,尺寸頗佳,歷經無窮歲月洗禮,保存情況較好,實屬難得。錢幣正面珠圈內“光緒元寶”四字,珠圈外環滿文,記地“戶部”及記值“當制錢二十文”。This Guangxuyuan treasure household is made of 20 copper yuan, which is suitable in size and good in size. It has undergone infinite years of baptism and has been well preserved. It is really rare. The four characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" in the front bead circle and the Manchu language outside the bead circle are recorded as "household office" and "20 articles of money making".
錢背中央為蟠龍圖,周圍環英文字樣。整幣形制規整,設計精美,鑄工高超,紋飾細致。久遠的歲月沉淀造就幣面的自然銅銹,使其年代特征更得以顯現,具有一定的歷史收藏價值。且戶部造光緒元寶當二十銅元在“光緒元寶”系列錢幣中屬于鑄發量較少的一款,存世量自然隨之而少,足見珍貴程度,投資升值潛力非常可觀。The central part of Qianbei is Panlong Tu, surrounded by English characters. Coins are well-regulated, beautifully designed, highly skilled casters and meticulously decorated. The natural copper rust on the surface of coins is formed by the precipitation of long years, which makes its age characteristics more apparent and has a certain historical collection value. And the Ministry of Household Guangxu Yuanbao 20 copper yuan in the "Guangxu Yuanbao" series of coins belongs to a small amount of casted, the stock will naturally be less, which shows the precious degree, the investment appreciation potential is very considerable.
隨著人們生活水平的提高,藝術品收藏這一投資行業受到大眾的關注熱度隨之高漲。而在收藏市場中最受關注,收藏熱度最高的便是錢幣門類。尤其是清朝民國時期的錢幣,因其鑄制精美,材質優良,版式多樣,存世豐富,一直是社會各界人士的主要收藏對象之一。With the improvement of people's living standard, the investment industry of art collection has been paid more and more attention by the public. In the collection market, the most popular category is coins. Especially in the period of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, because of its exquisite casting, excellent material, diverse formats and rich survival, it has been one of the main collections of people from all walks of life.
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