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Chengdu Boguxuan Auction Co., Ltd. [Tibet. Recommendation] column recommends art treasures selected by experts at the first level of national appraisal to buyers for the powerful dissemination effect of the collection. It helps collectors to bridge the gap, so that the value of thousands of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and high prices can be concluded at the auction.
【名稱】 明代纏枝花卉罐
【規格】 高:27cm 底徑:11cm
【類別】 瓷器
[Name] Ming Dynasty twisted flower pot
[Specification] High: 27cm Bottom Diameter: 11cm
[Category] Porcelain
明代青花瓷器之巔峰時期,彼時成祖、宣宗二帝皆重視窯業,設有司于珠山專備窯事以供御用和賞賚,較之前朝規制更宏,技術精進,所出之品,為世所珍。永樂三年始,成祖皇帝為弘化天朝圣德,諭遣中官鄭和六下西洋,前后二十年所歷三十余國,成為空前絕后之盛事,從此“海外諸番,益服天子威德”。 鄭和下西洋之舉,促使中外往來日益密切,此前中斷數十年的海外經貿重開,與伊斯蘭地區文化交流得以恢復。蒙元以降,中國與西域世界文化交流的主要對象是阿拉伯—伊斯蘭地區,漢唐時期的曾為諸國仰慕的絲綢已不再是對外交往中的主流物品,交流主題往往通過青花瓷來完成的。由鄭和下西洋開創的明初海陸朝貢貿易體系,更是將這種趨勢進一步發展成極致,作為朝貢外交,賞賚中國瓷器乃是順理成章之事。
During the peak period of blue and white porcelain in Ming Dynasty, Emperor Chengzu and Emperor Xuanzong both attached great importance to kiln industry and set up a special kiln business in Zhushan for imperial use and reward. Compared with previous dynasties, the regulations of the dynasty were more grand, the technology was more advanced, and the products produced were treasured by the world. In the first three years of Yongle, Emperor Chengzu sent Zheng He, a middle official, six times to the Western Ocean in order to promote the pilgrimage of heaven. Over the past 20 years, he went through more than 30 countries, which became an unprecedented event. Since then, he has been "serving the emperor's virtue through all kinds of overseas activities". Zheng He's voyage to the Western Ocean has led to closer exchanges between China and the rest of the world, after decades of disruption of overseas economic and trade and the resumption of cultural exchanges with the Islamic region. Since the Yuan Dynasty, the main object of cultural exchanges between China and the Western Regions has been the Arab-Islamic region. Silk, once admired by various countries in the Han and Tang Dynasties, is no longer the mainstream of foreign exchanges. The exchange theme is often accomplished through blue and white porcelain. The tributary trade system initiated by Zheng He in the early Ming Dynasty further developed this trend to the extreme. As tributary diplomacy, it is logical to reward Chinese porcelain.
正因為順應鄭和下西洋之要求,永樂官窯瓷器一改中國傳統的審美格調,無論在造型上還是紋飾上皆多模仿伊斯蘭風格的器物。其造型的來源主要摹自于波斯王朝和馬姆魯克王朝的金屬加工品甚至玻璃器皿,例如八方燭臺、大扁壺、天球瓶等十余種。早在蒙元時代,景德鎮的青花瓷大量輸出伊斯蘭地區,得到那里上至君王貴胄,下到平民百姓之喜愛,因此明代早期景德鎮青花瓷器的主流裝飾風格正是為適應這一市場而設計的。景德鎮珠山御窯遺址歷年的多次考古發掘中出土了大量的伊斯蘭風格造型的器物。考古發掘資料證明,此類仿伊斯蘭器物造型的瓷器最早體現在永樂白瓷上 ,后來在宣德時期更被大量制成青花瓷器。另一方面就瓷器的裝飾而言 ,自漢唐以來在與外域文化的相互融合中一直是以漢族文化為主體,完全模仿的裝飾多是局部或點綴,明青花瓷器由于歷史的、社會的、文化的諸多方面的原因 ,在與伊斯蘭文化的相互融合中,出現了短暫的以外來文化為主體的傾向。正如近人吳仁敬在其《中國陶瓷史》 中所述: “明人對于瓷業,無論在意匠上、形式上,其技術均漸臻至完成之頂點。而永樂以降,因波斯、阿拉伯藝術之東漸,與我國原有之藝術相融合,對瓷業上更發生一種異樣之精彩。”
Just because of conforming to Zheng He's request to go to the West, Yongle Guanyao porcelain changed the traditional Chinese aesthetic style and imitated Islamic style in both shape and decoration. The origin of its shape is mainly from the Persian and Mamluk dynasties'metal products and even glassware, such as eight-sided candlesticks, flat pots, celestial bottles and more than ten kinds. As early as the Mongol and Yuan Dynasties, Jingdezhen blue and white porcelain was exported to Islamic areas in large quantities, where it was loved by the emperors and nobles and the common people. Therefore, the mainstream decorative style of Jingdezhen blue and white porcelain in the early Ming Dynasty was designed to adapt to this market. A large number of Islamic-style objects have been unearthed in many archaeological excavations over the years at the Zhushan imperial kiln site in Jingdezhen. Archaeological excavation data prove that this kind of Islamic-like porcelain was first embodied in Yongle white porcelain, and was later made into blue and white porcelain in large quantities in Xuande period. On the other hand, as far as the decoration of porcelain is concerned, since the Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, the main part of the integration with foreign cultures has been the Han nationality culture, and the decorations completely imitated are mostly partial or embellished. For historical, social and cultural reasons, blue and white porcelain of Ming Dynasty appeared in the integration with Islamic culture. For a short time, it tends to be the subject of foreign culture. As Wu Renjing, a close friend, said in his "History of Chinese Ceramics": "Ming Dynasty's attention to the ceramic industry, whether in craftsmanship or form, is gradually reaching the summit of its completion. Since Yongle, the integration of Persian and Arab art with the original art of our country has made the porcelain industry a more wonderful one.
Similarly, the Islamic color of the Ming Dynasty blue and white porcelain decoration is distinct, full of Arabic patterns. Instead of traditional realistic techniques, the flowers and fruits are painted with two-side continuous and four-side continuous graphics, which make the branches and leaves extend and infinitely cover the whole space. The branches and branches of the flowers and leaves are intertwined and twisted, and the flowers and fruits are organically roundabout and roundabout. Example perfect, rhythm fluctuating, full of infinite vitality. The main artistic form of Islamic culture in pattern is plant and flower. Muslims yearn for blue sky, blue water and green life. They have special feelings for plants. Even in Islam's ideal heaven, there is a place for plants. The plants on Oasis symbolize eternal life.
Therefore, the Ming Dynasty blue and white porcelains show strong Islamic cultural charm from form to content, just like the arts and crafts of various textures produced in the Middle East Islamic world, they can be found in gold and silver, bronze, glassware, pottery and wooden ware in Western Asia. In the process of collision and integration with Islamic art, Ming blue and white porcelain absorbs the essence of extraterritorial excellent culture with the inclusive spirit of great traditional culture, combines organically, breaks through the boundaries of time and space, crosses the distinction between race and region, and produces a moving artistic appeal. It is a biography. The glorious model of integrating foreign cultures into a unified culture is still shining after hundreds of years of vicissitudes.
This product is born in such a brilliant era, belongs to one of the important ornamental porcelain of Ming Dynasty, and is the witness of the great event of China-foreign exchange. Its unique shape, matched with exquisite tire glaze, highlights the beauty of the material like jade and ice, the overall decoration is complex and changeable, the top and bottom of the jar coincide with the body, the jar is simple and full, blue and white full-painted, the tire is fine and pure, the hair color is strong, the glaze runs like grease, the picture is fresh and bright, for the Ming Dynasty blue and white porcelain exquisite products. Wrapping twigs and leaving white, also known as "wrapping twigs and flowers can cover", implies auspicious celebration. Because its structure can communicate with the official pot, it collects the residence of the official Yun Hengtong.
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This collection is now handed over to the Network Marketing Commissioner of Chengdu Boguxuan Auction Co., Ltd. for operation and promotion. Welcome to our company for appreciation and consultation. Collectors can get details through the major media and welcome to our company. If you want to purchase it, you can go through the relevant formalities to our company for consultation in advance. Since its establishment, our company has always adhered to the service principle of "openness, fairness, impartiality, honesty and trustworthiness", with complete relevant qualifications, the most solid publicity, the top platform and the best service. Special tips: (the above treasure holders trust us to sell in good faith, welcome all collectors to consult or bid, the pictures are taken in kind, if there is any doubt, we can make an appointment to see in kind) Chengdu Boguxuan Auction Co., Ltd.