Sun Yat-sen's Twenty-three Years Double-sail Coin
規格(specification): 重(N):26.11g, 直徑(D):3.9cm
近幾年來,古錢幣在收藏市場上一直是個熱門話題。隨著國民經濟水平的日漸提高,股市、樓市漲跌不停,眾多古玩中書畫和瓷器的收藏入門成本也過高且難以收藏,廣大藏家和對藝術品投資感興趣的買家便將注意力逐漸放在了古錢幣上。In recent years, ancient coins have been a hot topic in the collection market. With the increasing level of the national economy, the stock market and the real estate market continue to rise and fall, and the cost of collecting books, paintings and porcelain in many antiques is too high and difficult to collect. The vast number of collectors and buyers interested in art investment will gradually pay attention to ancient coins.
其中,尤其是清代和民國古錢幣,因為距今歷史較近品相大多保存完好,且此一歷史時期較為特殊,是中國社會變革的重要發展階段,歷史紀念意義深刻,也就使得這一時期誕生的古錢幣愈發珍貴,價值高漲。Among them, especially the ancient coins of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, because most of the items close to the present history are well preserved, and this historical period is relatively special. It is an important stage of social change in China. The profound significance of historical commemoration makes the ancient coins born in this period more precious and valuable.
眾所周知,1927年3月,國民革命軍北伐攻克南京,4月宣告建都后,國民政府積極籌發行以孫中山肖像為圖案的新國幣。As we all know, in March 1927, the National Revolutionary Army conquered Nanjing in the northern expedition. After the capital was declared in April, the National Government actively prepared to issue a new national currency with the portrait of Sun Yat-sen as its design.
在民國時期,鑄造發行了鐫有孫中山先生頭像各種版式的銀幣。正面為孫中山像,背面鐫一輪金光閃閃的太陽,中間為帆船在乘風破浪前進;1933年和1934年,民國政府鑄造了正面鐫孫中山像,背面鐫一艘帆船乘風破浪前進,俗稱“船洋”。During the period of the Republic of China, silver coins with the portrait of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in various formats were minted 000000000and issued. The front is the image of Sun Yat-sen, with a golden sun shining on the back and sailing boats advancing in the middle. In 1933 and 1934, the Republic Government cast the front image of Sun Yat-sen. On the back, a sailing boat sailed through the wind and waves, commonly known as "Ship】ping Ocean".
這段時期內“孫像”銀幣的雕刻試鑄以及發行流通,大致可分為三個階段:民國十八年孫像三帆壹元樣幣、民國二十一年金本位銀圓、民國二十二年船洋。During this period, the trial-casting and circulation of the silver coins of Sun Xiang can be roughly divided into three stages: in the eighteenth year of the Republic of China, Sun Xiang's one-yuan-like coins of three sails, the 21-year gold standard silver yuan of the Republic of China, and the 22-year shipping ocean of the Republic of China.
此枚孫中山二十三年雙帆幣,年號為中華民國二十三年孫中山雙帆幣。正面鐫刻著偉大的革命者孫中山先生的正面頭像,上方印制著“中華民國二十三年”幾個小字,背面則精刻雙桅帆船,左右分別顯示著“壹圓”幣值,幣面整體造型和諧,圖案設計精美。This Sun Yat-sen's 23-year double-sail coin is named Sun Yat-sen's 23-year double-sail coin of the Republic of China. The front is engraved with the front portrait of the great revolutionary Mr. Sun Yat-sen. On the top is printed the words "23 years of the Republic of China", while on the back is engraved the double-mast sailboat, showing the value of "one yuan" on the left and right respectively. The overall shape of the coin is harmonious and the design is exquisite.
為了讓世人銘記孫中山先生的豐功偉績,在民國時期,鑄造發行了鐫有孫中山先生頭像各種版式的銀幣,如今更是錢幣收藏的熱門之一。在市面上比較少見,因此也引得萬千藏家競相收藏,足見其價值地位,具有極高的收藏價值和藝術價值。In order to impress the world on Dr. Sun Yat-sen's great achievements, during the Republic of China, various types of silver coins with Mr. Sun Yat-sen's head were coined and issued, which is now one of the hottest coin collections. It is relatively rare in the market, so it has attracted thousands of collectors to collect, which shows its value status and has extremely high collection value and artistic value.
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