藏品簡介:此枚錢幣為中華民國十年袁世凱銀幣,重26.8g ,直徑3.9cm。錢面為袁世凱五分側面像,上列“中華民國十年造”七字;背面均有兩條嘉禾,左右交互,下系結帶,中鑄“壹圓”二字。錢幣雖然經歷了無窮歲月的洗禮,但是如今保存依然較為完好,品相屬于上等。其色澤光鮮亮自然,紋飾深淺適度,邊緣線條粗細均勻,間距也疏密一致。人像、發絲、胡須、穗芒等細微之處清晰有度,生動自然。
Collection Description: This coin is Yuan Shikai silver coin of the Republic of China for ten years. It weighs 26.8g and has a diameter of 3.9cm. The face of the money is a five-part profile of Yuan Shikai, with the seven words "ten years of the Republic of China" listed above. On the back, there are two Jiahe, which interact left and right, tie the belt below, and cast the word "one circle" in the middle. Although coins have undergone the baptism of endless years, they are still relatively well preserved and of superior quality. Its color is bright and natural, moderate decoration depth, uniform edge lines, spacing is also dense and consistent. Portraits, hair, beard, spikes and awns and other subtle places are clear, vivid and natural.
The emergence of Yuan Shikai's silver dollar not only unified the national currency system, but also stabilized the social mood to a great extent. This set of silver coins gradually replaced the silver coins of the pre-Qing Dynasty and achieved great achievements in the reform of the currency system in history. Therefore, Yuan Datou's collection value is very high. Huge.
Collection Value: Ancient coins are an important part of a country's history. They occupy an important position in the history of coins in its specific historical period. They not only represent the monetary culture of modern China, but also reflect the ups and downs and vicissitudes of our modern history, economy and finance. They have high artistic value and cultural relics. Value. And the material is precious, high artistic value, cast by precious metals or silver alloys, exquisite production, elegant design, elegant writing, rich content, brilliant silver, its beautiful appearance, also has a certain value preservation and appreciation function. Yuan Datou is the currency of the Republic of China, so it has a very important position in the history of coins in China. It is understood that in a high-end art tour in Asia auction in 2018, a ten-year auction price of Yuan Datou in the Republic of China reached 3220,000, which shows that its collection value is huge.~
This treasure is now temporarily placed in "Sichuan Shenghande Auction Co., Ltd." is interested in direct contact with the company!
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