【名稱】 開國紀念幣
【規格】 重:20.8g直徑:39.66mm 厚:2.28mm
【類別】 錢幣
黎元洪像開國紀念幣正面中央珠圈內鑄黎元洪戴軍帽九分臉戒裝肖像,珠圈外上鐫“中華民國”四個字,下鐫“開國紀念幣”五個字,珠圈外左右兩側各鑄五瓣梅花各一枝。銀幣的背面珠圈內中央鐫豎寫“壹圓”二字,托以嘉禾圖,左右各一枝,每枝一穗三葉。珠圈外上環為英文“ THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”(中華民國),下環為英文“ ONE DOLLAR”(壹圓),兩側偏下各鐫一個五角星。
Chongqing JiHua auction co. LTD
Chongqing Ji Hua auctions limited company, it is to collect powerful transmission effect to recommend to each buy a country to choose art curiums through expert of appraisal of a class of country to buy, draw a line to build a bridge for collector, let value of 1000 art curiums be discovered and take seriously, be able to clinch a deal with high price on auction.
[Name] Founding coin
[Specification] Weight: 20.8g Diameter: 39.66mm Thickness: 2.28mm
[Category] Coin
After the 1911 revolution wuchang uprising, li yuanhong was promoted by the revolutionaries as the governor of hubei army. After the establishment of nanjing interim government, he was elected vice President of the republic of China. On June 7, 1916, the day after yuan shikai's death, li yuanhong took office as the President of the republic of China at his residence in dongchang hutong.
Li yuanhong's portrait of li yuanhong wearing a military cap and a nine-point face ring was cast in the central bead circle on the front of the founding commemorative coin. Four characters of "republic of China" were engraved on the outside of the bead circle, and five characters of "founding commemorative coin" were engraved on the bottom. On the back of the coin, the central engrave inside the bead circle writes "one circle" two words, holding the golden harvest chart, left and right each one, each branch one ear three leaves. THE outer upper ring OF THE bead circle is "THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA", and THE lower ring is "ONE DOLLAR".
The founding commemorative COINS record a period of history of our country and have important cultural significance and collection value.