Jiahe grain-the nine-year-old Yuan Datou of the Republic of China
中華民國九年所鑄袁世凱像背嘉禾壹圓銀幣,俗稱“袁大頭”九年精發:此版不常見,整幣精雕細刻,精美為大頭系列之最。Yuan Shikai's nine-year silver coin, commonly known as "Yuan Datou", was coined in the Ninth Year of the Republic of China. This edition is uncommon. The whole coin is exquisitely carved. It is the most exquisite of the Big Head series.
清朝滅亡之后,1912年4月袁世凱出任大總統。北洋政府鑒于當時鑄幣、紙幣十分復雜,流通的中外貨幣在百種以上,規格不一,流通混亂,折算繁瑣,民眾積怨,同時也想借助貨幣改制以解決軍費問題,便決定鑄發國幣。袁世凱為了提高自己的統治地位,把他的頭像鑄于幣面,“袁大頭”由此而來。After the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, Yuan Shikai became President in April 1912. In view of the complexity of coinage and banknotes, the current Chinese and foreign currencies were more than 100 kinds, with different specifications, confused circulation, cumbersome conversion, and people's complaints. At the same time, the Beiyang government decided to use currency restructuring to solve the military expenditure problem, so it decided to coin the national currency. In order to improve his dominant position, Yuan Shikai cast his head on the face of the coin, from which "Yuan Datou" came.
袁大頭是民國時期主要流通貨幣之一,“袁大頭”是對袁世凱像系列硬幣的口語俗稱,嚴謹點說叫“袁世凱像背嘉禾銀幣”。Yuan Datou was one of the main currencies in circulation during the Republic of China. Yuan Datou was a colloquial term for Yuan Shikai's coins. Strictly speaking, it was called "Yuan Shikai's image carries Jiahe silver coin".
其正面中央為袁世凱戎裝左側面像,上方為“中華民國九年造”;背面圖案均是兩株交叉的稻穗,中央為“壹圓”。該幣的外環主要是直齒邊,另外,還鑄有少量工字邊和花齒邊。Yuan Shikai's left side image is on the front and the top is "Nine-year-old of the Republic of China". On the back are two crossed rice panicles, and the center is "one circle". The outer ring of the coin is mainly straight edge, in addition, a small amount of I-shaped edge and lace edge are cast.
此件藏品品相完好,該品規格十分標準,雖然經歷了百年歲月的洗禮,但是如今來看保存依然非常完好;其成色光鮮自然,紋飾深淺適度,邊緣線條粗細均勻,間距也疏密一致;人像、發絲、胡須、穗芒等細微之處清晰有度,生動自然。This collection is in good condition, and its specifications are very standard. Although it has undergone centuries of baptism, it is still very well preserved. Its color is bright and natural, its decoration is moderate in depth, its edges are thick and thin, and its spacing is also dense and uniform. The details of portraits, hair, beard, spikes and awns are clear and clear. Vivid and natural.
此袁大頭銀幣名聲非常顯赫,在這之前發行的民國三年、民國七年袁大頭銀幣市場流通量和使用非常好,這使得中華民國九年造袁大頭銀幣的價格日益劇增,在目前錢幣收藏市場亦非常受歡迎!This Yuan Big Head Silver coin has a very prominent reputation. The circulation and use of the Yuan Big Head Silver coin market during the three and seven years of the Republic of China have been very good. This has led to an increase in the price of the Yuan Big Head Silver coin made in the nine years of the Republic of China. It is also very popular in the current coin collection market.
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