官窯瓷器 ,官瓷代表著中國陶瓷藝術的最高成就,屬于宋代五大名窯之一, 由官府直接營建。有北宋官窯、南宋官窯之分。官窯瓷器雖然在宋代瓷器中只占極少數,但是由于其所處地位和具備的優越條件,使它在當時燒造了一批宮庭所需的高檔瓷器,其高超的燒造技藝和不朽的藝術價值,成為中華民族珍貴的文化遺產。此瓷器沿襲北宋風格,開光自然,開片大小分布不一,片紋層迭,疏密有致。規整對稱,宮廷氣勢,高雅大氣,一絲不茍。因為胎土含鐵量極高,手感沉重,除耳部有輕微損壞,其余完好,是為收藏佳品。
The official kiln porcelain of the Song Dynasty represented the highest achievement of Chinese ceramic art. It belonged to one of the five famous kilns of the Song Dynasty and was directly built by the government. There are Northern Song Dynasty official kiln, Southern Song Dynasty official kiln. Although Guanyao porcelain only occupies a very small number of porcelain in the Song Dynasty, due to its position and superior conditions, it burned a number of high-end porcelain needed by the palace at that time, and its superb firing skills and immortal artistic value. It has become a precious cultural heritage of the Chinese nation.This porcelain follows the style of the Northern Song Dynasty, with natural light, different size distribution, laminated layers, and dense. Rational symmetry, court momentum, elegant atmosphere, meticulous. Because the fetal soil contains extremely high iron content and heavy hands, there is slight damage to the ear and the rest is intact. It is a collection of good products.
List of quality products
Official word Yuhuangge glaze double ear respect
Old age. Song Ge Yao.
The shape of the device is regular, produced by the official kiln
The glaze, the tire are all superior.
The ice crack is just right.
It's a little damaged, but it doesn't hurt much.
A rare piece
本品將在2019年8月13日于臺北故宮博物院晶華亭上拍,如有意收藏的藏友們請盡快聯系,聯系方式:15529217713 高經理。
This product will be taken on August 13, 2019 at Jinghuating, Taipei Palace Museum. If you are interested in collecting Tibetan friends, please contact the manager at 15529217713.