Ancient Chinese coins, sprouting in the Xia Dynasty, originated in the Yin Shang Dynasty, developed in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, unified in winning the Qin Dynasty, experienced a long history of more than 4,000 years, and created more than 70 of the most in the world. All kinds of ancient coins constitute the majestic history of monetary development in China and are known as a wonderful work in the forest of world culture. Qing Dynasty copper coin, known as the Qing Dynasty mechanism copper circle, casting began in 1900 (Qing Guang Xu 26 years), ended in 1911 (Xuantong three years).
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DaQing Copper Coin Household Department of E-word
此枚大清銅幣邊齒規整,字口深峻,流通痕跡明顯,歷經百年歲月的沉淀,錢幣表面形成了一層自然醇厚的包漿,撫之,清涼舒爽,手感極好。此幣中心突起,上面以陰文鑄湖北省簡稱鄂,正面中部為漢文“大清銅幣” 四字,兩側有漢文干支紀年“丙午”,并左右鑄有“戶部”,下鑄“當制錢十文” 字樣。背面珠圈內鑄蟠龍紋飾,神龍威武,遒勁有力,皇族尊貴氣息一覽無余,珠圈外上環書“光緒年造”,下環書“大清銅幣”英文字樣。此幣品相精細,色澤明亮,成色均勻,構思巧妙,做工精美,圖案考究,紋飾細膩,栩栩如生,十分精美,是難得一見的精品古錢幣。本品將在2019年8月13日于臺北故宮博物院晶華亭上拍,如有意收藏的藏友們請盡快聯系。
聯系方式:13389237736 (馮先生)
The big and clear copper coin has regular side teeth, deep and sharp words, and obvious circulation trace. After a hundred years of precipitation, the surface of the coin forms a layer of natural and mellow pulp, and the touch is smooth, cool and comfortable, and the hand feeling is excellent. The central projection of this coin, which is referred to as the "E" of Hubei Province in the form of Yin-wen, is the "four-word" in the central part of the front face of the Han-wen, and the two sides have the Han-wen's" Three-Year-of-the-the-the-the-Year "and" the left and right cast-in-one account ". On the back of the bead, the cast-on dragon's grain, the dragon of the dragon, the strong force, the royal family's noble breath, the outer ring book of the year, the lower ring book, the words" the English ". the currency of this coin Fine, bright color, uniform color, ingenious conception, exquisite workmanship, elegant pattern, exquisite ornaments, lifelike, very exquisite, is a rare boutique ancient coins. This product will be taken on August 13, 2019 at the Jinghua Pavilion of the National Palace Museum in Taipei. If you wish to collect Tibetan friends, please contact us as soon as possible.
Contact: Mr. Feng, 13389237736