藏品規格:重約:21.5g 直徑約:3.8cm
此件藏品名為坐洋幣,品相完好,字跡清晰,錢幣正面的主圖為手執束棒的自由女神坐像,坐像的兩側鑄法文文字是:REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE(法蘭西共和國)。女神座下方有小字法文BARRE和該幣發行的年份。錢幣背面的主圖案為一花環,周圍為說明文字,花環上方鑄法文為:FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE(法蘭西印度支那),錢幣花環中間的橫向文字為銀幣的面額:PIASTRE DE COMMERCE(皮阿斯特的貿易銀)。錢幣花環下方文字為:TITRE 0.900 POIDS 27 GR。正下方中間位置的雙火炬中的小字“A”則可視為版別。可想而知此枚錢幣的特殊性、重要性、稀有性以及獨特的版別,更加提高了其收藏價值!
French Indochina trade currency, commonly known as foreign currency, is one of the foreign currencies circulating in China in the late Qing Dynasty. The front of the coin is a statue of the Statue of Liberty. The decorative pattern on the back is wheat ears. French has "Trade Silver Dollar" and "French Indochina". The Greek Statue of Liberty sits on the front of the coin, which is also the factor that gets its name.
As a historical carrier, the foreign currency records the history of the humiliation of the Chinese people's political oppression and economic exploitation after the Opium War. It is very important for us to understand and understand this history by studying the foreign currency in circulation in China.
This collection is called sitting foreign currency. The appearance is intact and the handwriting is clear. The main picture on the front of the coin is the statue of the Statue of Liberty with a stick. The French characters on both sides of the statue are: REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE(French Republic). Below the goddess, there is a small French BARRE and the year of the currency's issuance. The main pattern on the back of the coin is a wreath, surrounded by explanatory text. The French above the wreath is: FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE(Indochina). The horizontal text in the middle of the coin wreath is the denomination of the silver coin: PIASTRE DE COMMERCE(Piasite). The text below the coin wreath is: TITRE 0.900 POIDS 27 GR. The small word "A" in the double torch directly below the middle can be considered as a version. It is conceivable that the particularity, importance, rarity and unique version of this coin enhance its collection value!