藏品詳情:隕石是地球以外的宇宙流星脫離原有運行軌道或成碎塊散落到地球上的石體,它是人類直接認識太陽系各星體珍貴稀有的實物標本,隕石,在沒有落入地球大氣層時,是游離于外太空的石質的,鐵質的或是石鐵混合的物質,若是落入大氣層,在沒有被大氣燒毀而落到地面就成了我們平時見到的隕石,簡單的說,所謂隕石,就是微縮版的小行星“撞擊了地球”而留下的殘骸。 據加拿大科學家10年的觀測,每年降落到地球上的隕石有20多噸,大概有兩萬多塊。由于多數隕石落在海洋、荒草、森林和山地等人煙罕至地區,而被人發現并收集到手的隕石每年只有幾十塊,數量極少。
(Meteorites are extraterrestrial cosmic meteors that are separated from their original orbit or scattered in fragments onto the earth. They are precious and rare specimens of the stars in the solar system. Meteorites, when they do not fall into the earth's atmosphere, are free from outer space of rocks, iron or a mixture of rocks and iron. It's falling into the atmosphere, falling to the ground without being burned down by the atmosphere, which becomes the meteorite we usually see. In short, the meteorite is the debris left by the miniature asteroid "hitting the earth". According to 10 years'observation by Canadian scientists, there are more than 20 tons of meteorites landing on the earth every year, about 20,000 pieces. Because most meteorites fall in the ocean, wilderness, forest and mountain areas where there are few people, only a few dozen meteorites are found and collected every year.
This group of meteorites has the phenomenon of being adsorbed by magnets and contains more iron elements. They are iron meteorites in the four major meteorites, which are of great collection value. Appreciation space is quite large, very suitable for collection and viewing.)