藏品規格:直徑約:4.3cm 重約13.6g
雍正通寶面文為鑄錢工匠所書,以宋體書寫,帶有一定的楷書成分, "雍正通寶"四字端莊規范,其中通大多數為雙點通。相比康熙通寶而言,雍正通寶的筆畫要細一些。
Is coin in the qing dynasty yongzheng TongBao, with brass casting, well-made, beginning of casting in the first year of yongzheng (1723), is the third generation after the shunzhi emperor kangxi of qing .
yongzheng TongBao coin money stationery has epoch-making significance, and it lays the style of the qing dynasty more than one hundred and eighty years since qian zhongshu is relative to the number in the qing dynasty COINS format at least one of the most Jane ZhiQian, but due to its standard sizing, larger diameter, do manual work is delicate, neat uniform, so loved by collectors.
yongzheng TongBao surface by artisans cast money book, written in song typeface, there's a certain regular script composition, Compared with kangxi tongbao, yongzheng tongbao's strokes are thinner.