藏品詳情:琺瑯就是將經過粉碎研磨的琺瑯釉料,涂施于經過金屬加工工藝制作后的金屬制品的表面,經干燥、燒成等制作步驟后,所得到的復合性工藝品。琺瑯工藝的制作分類很多,一般根據制作方法和胎地種類將其分類。 琺瑯依據具體加工工藝的不同,又可分為掐絲琺瑯器、鏨胎琺瑯器、畫琺瑯器和透明琺瑯器等幾個品種。該藏品為銅胎掐絲琺瑯,又稱“景泰藍”,古為皇室專用,是傳統工藝的精品之作,屬琺瑯器品種之一。該對“琺瑯花鳥獸耳洗口瓶”器型敦厚、形韻自然,線條均勻而流暢,色釉種類多樣,釉色艷麗、潔凈,同時結合鏨胎和畫琺瑯之制作技巧于一體,是掐絲琺瑯工藝發展于極境的表現,具有非常高的收藏價值。
Enamel is after crushing grinding of enamel glaze, after making the metal processing technology of coating in the surface of the metal products, after drying sintering production steps such as the classification of enamel craft, the resulting compound handicraft production lot, generally according to the producing method and tire types classified enamel according to the specific processing technology is different, can divide again for wire inlay enamel implement chisel foetus enamel painting enamels and transparent enamels several varieties, such as the collection for copper wire inlay enamel, also called cloisonne, ancient special for the imperial family, is the elaborate works of traditional craft, belong to enamels varieties of the washing bottle mouth of the ear enamel flowers birds and animals It is natural in shape, even and smooth in line, diverse in color and glaze, bright and clean in glaze color, and combined with the technique of making chisel tyre and painting enamel, which is the expression of the development of silk cutting enamel craft in the extremely state, and has very high collection value.