藏品規格:重量約:37.93g 直徑約:4.53cm
藏品詳情:法屬印度支那貿易銀圓,俗稱坐洋,為清末在華流通的外國銀圓之一,各種坐洋斷斷續續發行至1937年,因為戰爭的陰影而宣告結束。坐洋的發行期為1903年至1923年。而1908年大版錯版幣坐洋幣,銀幣正面的主圖為手執束棒的自由女神坐像,坐像的兩側鑄法文文字是:REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE(法蘭西共和國)。女神座下方有小字法文BARRE和該幣發行的年份。銀幣背面的主圖案為一花環,周圈為說明文字,花環上方鑄法文為:FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE(法蘭西印度支那),銀幣花環中間的橫向文字為銀幣的面額:PIASTRE DE COMMERCE(皮阿斯特的貿易銀)。銀幣花環下方文字為:TITRE 0.900 POIDS 27 GR(含銀千分之九百,重量27克)。整塊銀幣背面文字的中文意譯為:法蘭西(所屬的)印度支那(銀幣)。壹貿易銀元重27克,含純銀千分之九百。正下方中間位置的雙火炬中的小字“A”則可視為版別。
French Indochina Silver Dollar, commonly known as Ocean-sitting, was one of the foreign Silver Dollars circulating in China at the end of the Qing Dynasty. All kinds of Ocean-sitting silver dollars were issued intermittently until 1937, and ended because of the shadow of the war. The issuance period was from 1903 to 1923. In 1908, the main picture on the front of the silver coin is the statue of the Statue of Liberty with a club. The French characters on both sides of the statue are: REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE (French Republic). Below the constellation of Goddess are the small-character French BARRE and the year in which the currency was issued. The main pattern on the back of the silver coin is a wreath, and the circle is the explanatory text. On the top of the wreath, the French language is FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE (Indochina, France). The horizontal text in the middle of the silver coin is the denomination of the silver coin: PIASTRE DE COMMERCE (the trade silver of Piaster). The text below the silver coin wreath is TITRE 0.900 POIDS 27 GR (containing 900 parts per thousand of silver and weighing 27 grams). The back of the silver coin is translated into Chinese as French Indochina. One trade silver dollar weighs 27 grams and contains 900 parts of pure silver. The small word "A" in the double torch in the middle of the lower part can be regarded as the edition type.
Complete appearance, rich pulp, great collection value and artistic value