上乘的泥料,均勻清透,色澤紅潤柔和,平蓋上置珠鈕,整體圓潤流暢,身姿優美大方。底部“乾隆年制”,品相完好,很不錯的把玩和收藏實用器。,此壺裝飾方法有多種,有印花、貼花、泥繪線描、刻、雕塑等手法,制作工整、包漿老道,層次豐富,熟舊蒼桑,精細。底印款:“乾隆年制”。 體現出了乾隆朝的典型特征,制作精良,紋樣細膩 造型優美,弧曲舒張,順暢無比,手工精湛,大氣磅礴,具名家手筆,反映乾隆時期國富民強之氣勢!整器托之有砂粒之感,有星光和熔點,可見砂之原礦之狀,敲擊聲音沉亞,符合紫砂真品之狀,開門見山,制作精致,極富神韻,是難得之紫砂壺珍品。同時它也反映出古人的制壺智慧,為收藏家所珍惜。
Qianlong's purple sand pot, this pot unique shape, making Seiko, is a kind of pot pot of the Qianlong period.
The excellent mud, uniform and clear, the color of ruddy soft, flat cover on the bead button, the whole round smooth, graceful and generous body. At the bottom of the "Qianlong Year System", the quality is intact, very good to play and collect utility. There are many ways to decorate this pot, such as printing, decals, clay drawing lines, carvings, sculptures, etc.. It makes neat, pasteurized old roads, rich layers, ripe old mulberry, and fine. Bottom printing: "Qianlong Year System." Reflected the typical characteristics of the Qianlong dynasty, well-made, exquisite shape of fine patterns, easy arc, smooth, exquisite, magnificent, with famous masters, reflecting the momentum of the country's rich people during the Qianlong period! The whole device has a sense of sand grains, with stars and melting points. It can be seen that the original ore of sand is in the shape of a mineral. The sound of tapping is heavy. It is in line with the true product of purple sand. It is straightforward and exquisite. It is a rare purple sand pot. At the same time, it also reflects the wisdom of the ancients and is cherished by collectors.