藏品規格:口徑:16cm 底足:8cm 高:5cm
明青花它以其古樸,典雅的造型,晶瑩艷麗的釉色,多姿多彩的紋飾而聞名于世,此件青花花卉紋碗改變了元代青花層次繁密的布局風格及粗狂的畫法,裝飾上漸趨疏朗,規矩中富于變化。紋樣繪畫上,采用小筆渲染填色,由于筆小蘸料有限,需不斷從新 蘸料繪畫,這樣使得紋飾留下許多深淺濃淡的筆觸痕。共構圖都達到很概括、夸張和取舍,增強了裝飾性。此件藏品為明代晚期,青花青翠靚麗,濃淡相宜,碗內繪青花紋飾,外口沿繪回紋,纏枝相連,給人以清新素雅之美感,真實地映現出繁花似錦,屬于瓷器的雅俗之美,底色白中泛青,青白相間,也是明青花特征之一,造形古樸端莊,紋飾優美流暢,包漿老舊自然,具較高的收藏價值。
Ming Qinghua is famous for its simple, elegant shape, crystal bright glaze color, and colorful decoration. This blue-flower pattern bowl has changed the layout style and rough style of the Qing flower layer in the Yuan Dynasty. The decoration has gradually become sparse and the rules are full of changes. In the pattern painting, a small pen rendering is used to fill the color. Due to the limited number of small strokes, it is necessary to continue painting from the new dipping material. This leaves many deep and shallow pen strokes. The total composition has reached a very general, exaggerated and selective, enhancing the decorative nature. This collection was in the late Ming Dynasty. The green flowers were green and beautiful, and the light and light were suitable. The green flowers were painted in the bowl. The outer mouth was painted back and connected with the twigs, giving people a fresh and elegant beauty, and it truly reflected the beauty of flowers. The beauty of elegance and vulgarity belongs to porcelain. The background is white and pan-blue, blue and white, and is also one of the characteristics of the bright and green flowers. The shape is simple and dignified, the decoration is beautiful and smooth, and the pulp is old and natural, with a high collection value.