The old coins are non-renewable things, and they are very rare in the world. They contain profound historical value, cultural value and collection value, and are deeply loved by collectors. With the improvement of material living standards, people are increasingly pursuing the improvement of spiritual and cultural life. Collection culture, as an art culture, will be loved by more and more people. In recent years, the price of coins has been soaring. In addition to the expansion of coin collectors, the intervention of powerful buyers is also the key reason. Universal collectors have to take a long-term view to choose the opportunity to enter, the market performance has been unexpected coins suddenly rocked up. The old coins were very active in the collection market, and the market prospects were very promising.
民國三年袁大頭/站洋幣1911 /光緒元寶
Yuan Datou/Zhanyang 1911/Guangxu Yuanbao in the Three Years of
the Republic of China
1.重(W):26.2g 直徑(D):39mm
Three years of Yuan Datouyuan in the Republic of China: The coins have passed on and changed from generation to generation, showing their natural and primitive old currency appearance, the smooth surface of wear and tear, and they are still used to shining in the sunshine. The front of the coin is a five-point image on the left of Yuan Shikai. The traditional Chinese style of "three years of the Republic of China" in Shanghuan has a little more characters and "people" has not been written after "year", which conforms to the production specifications of Yuan Datou in the three years of the Republic of China. On the back of the coin is the Jiahe pattern and the value of the coin. The two Jiahe alternate left and right. They are vivid and vivid. The central part of the coin is coined with the traditional Chinese character "one circle". Although the collection has undergone the baptism of endless years, it is still well preserved today. Its bright and natural color, moderate decoration depth, uniform edge lines, spacing is also dense and consistent, has great collection value.
站洋幣:正面中央是一位持戟、盾的不列顛女神,站立岸頭,傲視世界。左手持米字盾牌,右手執三叉戟,意為能攻能守,戰無不勝。珠圈上方左右兩側分列英文“ONE DOLLAR(壹圓)”,下方記載年號為1911。背面中央有中文篆體“壽”字,上下為中文“壹圓”,左右為馬來文“壹圓”。珠圈外亦鑄有回紋,從錢幣上可清晰看到中西文化的交融,帶著鮮明的歷史印記,獨具歷史意義。此枚站洋幣錢文清晰,紋飾細膩,線條流暢,筆法細致。整體制作精美,圖案豐富,文字清秀,收藏價值極佳。
Standing in foreign currency: In the middle of the front is a British goddess with halberd and shield, standing on the shore, arrogant to the world. The left hand holds the meter shield, the right hand holds the trident, meaning that can attack and defend, invincible battle. On the left and right sides of the bead circle are listed in English "ONE DOLLAR" (a circle). The year number is 1911. In the center of the back, there is the Chinese seal character "Shou", in the context of the Chinese word "Yiyuan", and in the left and right of the Malay word "Yiyuan". There are also palindromes outside the bead circle. From the coin, we can clearly see the blending of Chinese and Western cultures, with distinct historical imprints, which has unique historical significance. This station has clear foreign currency, exquisite decoration, smooth lines and meticulous writing. The overall production is exquisite, the pattern is rich, the writing is beautiful, the collection value is excellent.
光緒元寶:該幣為四川省造庫平七錢二分光緒元寶,錢幣正面珠圈內緣滿漢文“光緒元寶”, 圈外上環“四川省造”,下環“庫平七錢二分”,左右相襯兩個小花。背面中心是蟠龍圖,蟠龍惟妙惟肖,眼睛炯炯有神,栩栩如生,形似騰躍之際,身姿遒勁有力,龍爪張揚,龍身盤踞太陽,煜煜生輝,盡顯皇家威風大氣。圖照可鑒,其無論文字和紋飾,皆十分精到,凸凹鮮明,文字筆劃和紋飾線條圓滾,顯示模具沖壓著力深打,致其品相精美無比,其工藝水準也是至今之偽所不能矣。
Guangxu Yuanbao: The coin is made in Sichuan Province. The front bead circle has Manchu "Guangxu Yuanbao", the outer ring "made in Sichuan Province", and the lower ring "Kuping Qianbao" with two small flowers. At the center of the back is the Dragon Tu. The Dragon is vivid, with bright eyes, vivid and vivid. When it is leaping, it is vigorous and vigorous, with its claws flying, and its body covers the sun, shining brightly, showing the Royal majesty. Pictures can be seen, regardless of the text and decoration, are very sophisticated, concave and convex distinct, text strokes and decorative lines are round, showing that the die stamping efforts to hit deeply, resulting in its exquisite appearance, and its technical level is still not fake.