辛亥革命勝利后,1912年1月1日,中華民國臨時政府宣告成立,1912年2月12日清朝滅亡,在中國持續2000 多年的封建君主專制隨之結束。但是幣制尚未建立,清政府時期銅元、銀元仍繼續大量流通使用,市場較為混亂,為鞏固新興政權,幣制改革急需進行。中國民主主義革命的先驅者孫中山就任中華民國臨時大總統,并在頒布的“臨時大總統令”中提出要“另刊新模,鼓鑄紀念幣”,隨后武昌和南京兩處造幣廠率先鑄行了 “中華民國開國紀念幣”銅元輔幣,以十文面值的為主,在全國大量發行以取代清朝銅元。1914年,銅元正式改稱“銅幣”,民國發行的銅幣與清最大的區別是龍紋被換成了由稻穗組成的嘉禾紋。其后全國陸續發行各種新制錢幣,逐漸代替清朝龍紋舊幣。
After the victory of the 1911 Revolution, on January 1, 1912, the Provisional Government of the Republic of China was proclaimed. On February 12, 1912, the Qing Dynasty perished, and the feudal monarchy which lasted for more than 2000 years in China ended. However, the currency system has not yet been established. During the Qing Dynasty, copper and silver yuan continued to circulate in large quantities, and the market was chaotic. In order to consolidate the emerging regime, currency reform was urgently needed. Sun Yat-sen, the pioneer of China's democratic revolution, took office as the interim president of the Republic of China, and in the promulgation of the "interim presidential decree", proposed that "a new model should be published to coin commemorative coins". Then, two mints in Wuchang and Nanjing took the lead in coining the "commemorative coins of the founding of the Republic of China" copper coins, mainly in ten denominations. In order to replace the copper yuan of the Qing Dynasty, a large number of coppers were issued throughout the country. In 1914, the copper coin was officially renamed "copper coin". The biggest difference between the copper coin issued by the Republic of China and the Qing Dynasty was that the dragon pattern was replaced by the Jiahe grain composed of rice ears. Since then, various new coins have been issued in succession throughout the country, gradually replacing the old dragon-print coins of the Qing Dynasty.
Hunan Province Makes "Double Flag Currency"
重(W):7.5g 直徑(D):32mm
此錢幣正面中央圖案為“鐵血十八星旗”和“五色旗”交叉而立、旗后有纓帶,雙旗寓意全國一統與民族大團結。圓圈外上部書“湖南省造”四字。左右飾以團菊花紋;下方則鐫“當制錢二十文”標明幣值。背面正中圖案則為稻穗組成嘉禾紋,寓意豐民足歲;背面上部鐫“THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”;下方則鐫“TWENTY CASH”。錢幣設計精美,做工精細,紋飾豐富,布局合理,層次鮮明,線條流暢優雅,工藝純熟精湛,保存完整,包漿完美,藝術價值較高,極具收藏價值。
The central pattern on the front of the coin is "Eighteen Star Flags of Iron Blood" and "Five-color Flags" crossed, with tapes behind the flag. The two flags imply national unity and national unity. Outside the circle, the upper book "Made in Hunan Province" has four characters. The left and right are decorated with chrysanthemum patterns, and the bottom is marked with "20 pieces of money for making" to indicate the value of the currency. The middle pattern on the back is Jiahe grain composed of rice ears, implying that Fengmin is full-year old; the upper part of the back is "The REPUBLIC of CHINA"; the lower part is "TWENTY CASH". Coins are exquisite in design, fine in workmanship, rich in decoration, reasonable in layout, distinct in layers, smooth and elegant in lines, exquisite in craftsmanship, complete in preservation, perfect in pulp, high in artistic value, and of great collection value.
Hunan Province made double-flag copper coins came into being in the Republic of China period. The Republic of China only existed for several decades in Chinese history. Therefore, during the period of unrest and frequent civil wars, coins can still be preserved intact after many years. It is not easy, and they have high collection value of cultural relics. Historical and cultural value and investment value. Although there were many versions of coins in the period of the Republic of China, it was rare to collect such fine, rare and rare copper coins made in Hunan Province. Following the law of value that scarcity is the most precious thing, the market of this double-flag coin in Hunan Province is booming.