此藏品計優美典雅,包漿古老,成色勻整,紋飾內容豐富,市場流通磨損少,保存的極其完好,湖北省造宣統元寶材質珍貴,藝術價值高,由貴重金屬或白銀合金鑄造,制作精美,版面設難能可貴。造幣廠于1910年鑄造了少量宣統庚戌年春季七錢二銀幣,旋因革命活動蔓延而停止生產。翌年(1911),武昌革命成功推翻滿清皇朝。該銀幣通行于市得時間極短,相信只有少量流傳于世,是為罕品中之罕品。This collection is beautiful and elegant in design, old in pulp, uniform in color, rich in decorative contents, less wear and tear in market circulation, and extremely well preserved. Yuanbao in Chuanxuantong, Hubei Province, is precious in material and high in artistic value. It is made of precious metals or silver alloys. It is exquisite in production and precious in layout. In 1910, the Mint minted a small amount of seven coins and two silver coins in the spring of Xuantong Geng Xuan, which stopped production because of the spread of revolutionary activities. The next year (1911), the Wuchang Revolution succeeded in overthrowing the Manchu and Qing dynasties. This silver coin has been circulating in the market for a very short time. It is believed that only a small amount of it has been circulated in the world, and it is a rare commodity among rare commodities.
名名稱:宣統元寶 規規格:重:26.59 直徑37.5mm類類別:錢幣 歡迎有興趣的藏家,買家留言咨詢!廣州典藏藝品有限公司市場交易部安總:18664808874