法屬印度支那貿易銀圓,俗稱坐洋幣,為清末民初在華流通的外國銀圓之一。坐洋幣,根據1952年在人民銀行內部出版的《銀元圖說》,其正式名稱應為安南銀元。銀元正面希臘自由女神坐像,這也是“坐洋”得名的原因。坐洋幣的前身為法國政府在交趾支那(南部越南政權)于1879年開始鑄造10仙(Cent,也譯作“分”,下同)、20仙、50仙、1皮(piastre,音譯皮阿斯特,法制單位元)的交趾支那(cochin china)銀幣。時至1885年,法屬安南政府為抵制墨西哥銀幣及美國貿易銀幣,于1885年開始鑄造壹元銀幣。
French Indochina Silver Dollar, commonly known as Ocean Dollar, was one of the foreign silver dollars circulating in China in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China. According to the "Silver Dollar Tushuo" published in 1952 within the People's Bank of China, the official name of the coin should be Annan Silver Dollar. Silver dollar is sitting on the front of the Greek goddess of liberty, which is also the reason for the name of "sitting in the ocean". The first * * * of the ocean coin was the * * * of the French government in 1879, which began casting 10 Immortals (Cent, also translated as "points", the same below), 20 cents, 50 immortals, 1 skins (piastre, transliteration P Astor, legal unit yuan), and the silver coin of Cochin China. From 1885, the French Annan government began to mint one-dollar silver coins in 1885 in order to resist Mexican silver coins and American trade silver coins.
Wrong edition of sitting money
此枚錢幣是1906年坐洋幣且是錯版幣,銀幣正面圖案為手執束棒的自由女神坐像,坐像的兩側鑄法文文字是:REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE(法蘭西共和國)。女神座下方有小字法文BARRE和該幣發行的年份1906年。銀幣背面圖案為一花環,花環內正下方中間位置的雙火炬中的小字“A”則可視為版別,周圈為說明文字,花環上方鑄法文為:FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE(法蘭西印度支那),銀幣花環中間的橫向文字為銀幣的面額:PIASTRE DE COMMERCE(皮阿斯特的貿易銀)。銀幣花環下方文字為:TITRE 0.900 POIDS 27 GR。而且這枚錢幣保存極好,品相極佳,圖案考究,制作十分精密,其無論文字和紋飾,皆十分精到,紋理清晰,凸凹鮮明,浮雕感強,具有極高的收藏價值。
The coin is a 1906 seated coin with an incorrect version. The front of the coin is a statue of the Statue of Liberty with a club. The French characters on both sides of the statue are REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE (French Republic). Below the constellation of Goddess are the small-character French BARRE and the year 1906 when the currency was issued. The back of the silver coin is a wreath, and the small character "A" in the double torches in the middle and right below the wreath can be regarded as the edition. The circle is the explanatory text. The upper part of the wreath is cast in French as FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE (Indochina, France). The horizontal text in the middle of the silver coin is the denomination of the silver coin: PIASTRE DE COMMERCE (Piaz). Special trading silver. The text below the silver coin wreath is TITRE 0.900 POIDS 27 GR. Moreover, this coin has excellent preservation, excellent appearance, exquisite design and very precise production. It is exquisite in both writing and decoration, with clear texture, distinct convex and concave, strong relief feeling and high collection value.
Wrong edition: The most precious thing about this coin is the wrong edition. The pattern on the back rotates 180 degrees, so it is a wrong edition coin caused by printing problems. The wrong version of the coin is one in ten thousand, which is very rare. Many Tibetans struggle to find these wrong versions, but there are not many wrong versions on the market, and this is still the case of both positive and negative versions. Because of the small quantity of the wrong version of coins, it has always been a well-deserved "black horse" in the coin market.