Three years in the republic of China yuan big head
Number: XJPPM - 00018
Diameter: 2.6 cm
Weight: 6.87 g
Yuan big head, after the revolution of 1911, yuan shikai took office as the "temporary President" of the post issued money, yuan shikai in order to improve his ruling position, his head cast in the currency, "yuan big head" from this.
On February 7, 1914, yuan shikai promulgated the "regulations on state currency" and the "implementation rules of state currency regulations" in the form of a presidential decree, stipulating that the state currency types include four kinds of silver COINS (one yuan, medium yuan, two jiao, one jiao), one nickel coin (five cents) and five copper COINS (two cents, one cent, five per cent, two per cent and one per cent).
Due to the uniform shape, fineness and weight of yuan's large-head dollar coin, it was quickly recognized and accepted by the society and gradually replaced the qing dynasty's longyang in the domestic financial market to become the main currency in circulation.
Yuan big head coin in the three years of the republic of China is yuan shikai coin cast in the three years of the republic of China.In the market, although there are many versions of the silver coin, the patterns on the front are basically similar, all are yuan shikai's profile head, but the details of the carving aspect is slightly different, so people collectively call them yuan shikai COINS.At present, yuan head coin first cast in the three years of the republic of China, and has a long-standing nickname "people three."
此“中華民國三年袁大頭”正面圖案是袁世凱的側面像,在頭像的上方是紀年"中華民國三年"。 背面兩條嘉禾左右交互,下系結帶,紋飾線條粗細均勻,線條流暢自然,浮雕感強烈,中鑄"壹圓"字樣。
This "three years of the republic of China yuan big head" front pattern is yuan shikai profile, above the head is ji nian "three years of the republic of China".On the back two jiahe left and right interaction, under the tie belt, decorative lines uniform thickness, smooth natural lines, strong sense of carving, casting "one circle".
The design of the whole coin is simple yet noble, simple yet chic, natural, delicate and beautiful, very beautiful, it is a high-quality silver dollar with high collection value, the appreciation potential is unlimited.