藏品規格:重:7.5g 直徑:27mm
2019 Hong Kong Boutique Recommend Qing Copper Coin
Name of Collection: Qing Copper Coins
Collection specification: weight: 7.5g diameter: 27mm
Transaction Method: Hong Kong Auction
大清銅幣,學名清代機制銅圓,錢面中央有“大清銅幣”四個漢字,內嵌一小字代表地名,上端是滿文“大清銅幣”字樣,兩側為年份。邊緣中間分別“戶部”二漢字,下端為“當制錢十文”。錢背中央為蟠龍,上端是“光緒(或宣統)年造”,下端英文“Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin”字樣(大清帝國銅幣)。
Qing copper coin, scientific name of Qing dynasty mechanism copper coin, has four Chinese characters "Qing copper coin" in the center of the coin surface, with a small character embedded to represent the place name, and the Manchu word "Qing copper coin" on the top and the year on both sides. In the middle of the edge are two Chinese characters "Hu bu" and at the bottom are "when making money, ten characters". The central part of Qian Bei is a coiled dragon, the upper part is "made in Guangxu (or Xuantong) year" and the lower part is English "Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin" (copper coin of Qing empire).
鑒于各省鑄行銅元毫無節制, 清政府便著手整頓和統一幣制,試圖將鑄幣權收歸國有,加強控制。1905年(光緒三十一年)10月,清政府在天津設立的戶部造幣總廠開始鑄造新式銅元“大清銅幣”,并頒布《整頓圜法章程十條》,其中規定:“銅元成色定為用九七紫銅,三厘白銅,原用聽錫一厘”;“重量定準當二十者重庫平四錢,當十者重庫平二錢,當五者重庫平一錢,當二者重庫平四分”;“統一制造大清銅幣,由戶部頒發祖模,均與總廠所鑄一律,惟于正面加鑄省名一字,以便查考。每次鑄出,均須呈送財政處戶部化驗,并由財政處戶部隨時遵派要員前往稽查”,“各省所鑄銅幣,應令該省所設官錢公估等局,酌量市面情形定價,隨發隨收,持之以信”;“各省所鑄銅幣, 不得大宗販運出生活上,若各省需用銅幣,可備價至總廠領取”。
In view of the fact that copper coins were cast in various provinces without restraint, the Qing government began to rectify and unify the monetary system, trying to nationalize the seigniorage and strengthen control. In October 1905 (the 31st year of Guangxu's reign), the Qing government set up the Household Coin Factory in Tianjin to start casting a new type of copper coin, the "Qing Copper Coin", and promulgated the "Ten Articles of Association for the Reorganization of the Circular Law", which stipulates: "The copper coin shall be made of 97 copper, 3% white copper and 1% tin originally"; "Weight must be set at 20 yuan, 10 yuan, 2 yuan, 5 yuan, and 4 points." "Unified manufacturing of qing copper coins, issued by the household department progenitor model, are cast with the factory, but in the positive cast province name word, in order to check. Every time the coins are cast, they must be submitted to the household department of the finance department for testing, and the household department of the finance department shall send senior officials to inspect them at any time. "the copper coins cast by each province shall be ordered to be priced according to the market conditions by the provincial government's bureau of money assessment, etc., and the coins shall be received as they are distributed, and shall be held in trust." "Copper coins cast in various provinces shall not be sold in large quantities in daily life. If copper coins are needed in various provinces, they can be collected at the General Factory at a reserve price".
1906年(光緒三十二年)7月, 清政府處戶部又奏請朝廷, 擬將當時全國24處銅元局, 酌量歸并為九處, 如折中所述:“然中國幅員遼闊, 若如全國僅設一廠,轉運恐形不便,惟有相度地勢之拼。除臣部所設總廠外,擬以山東歸并直隸為一廠,湖南歸并湖北為一廠,江西、安徽、江蘇、清江并歸江寧一廠,浙江歸并福建為一廠, 廣西歸并廣東為一廠。合奉天、河南、 四川、云南四廠,共九處, 皆歸臣部統轄,調劑盈虛, 彼此均可勻撥。”在歸并銅元局得以順利實施的同時,又限定各省每日鑄造銅元數額,以避免重蹈濫造的覆轍。此后,清政府將戶部改稱“度支部”,命各省造幣廠改稱度支部造幣分廠,欲統而治之,鞏固中央造幣集權。
In July 1906 (the 32nd year of Guangxu's reign), the Qing government's household department invited the government to merge the 24 copper and yuan bureaus in the country at that time into nine. as stated in the compromise: "however, China is a vast country, if only one factory is set up in the country, transportation will be inconvenient, and only the terrain can be matched. In addition to the general factory set up by the minister department, it is planned to merge Shandong into Zhili as a factory, Hunan into Hubei as a factory, Jiangxi, Anhui, Jiangsu and Qingjiang into Jiangning as a factory, Zhejiang into Fujian as a factory, and Guangxi into Guangdong as a factory. There are altogether nine factories in Fengtian, Henan, Sichuan and Yunnan, all under the jurisdiction of the minister's department, which can adjust surplus and deficiency and allocate them to each other. " The successful implementation of the merger of the copper yuan bureau also limited the amount of copper yuan to be cast in each province every day to avoid the mistake of making it indiscriminately. Since then, the Qing government changed the name of the household department to "Du Branch" and ordered the coin factories of all provinces to be renamed Du Branch's coin factories in order to consolidate the centralization of the central coinage.
Foundry is relatively uniform throughout the country. Founding began in 1900 (the 26th year of Guangxu reign in Qing dynasty) and ended in 1911 (the 3rd year of Xuantong reign). The circulation time was relatively short. Because of its elegant layout, excellent carving, and extremely rare existence in the world, the Qing Dynasty bronze coins were made in the Guangxu period by the household department and were honored as one of the ten most famous coins in modern China.
The value of Qing copper coins is getting higher and higher. A number of Qing emperors issued copper coins as currency during their reign. The use of copper coins has important practical and historical significance, making the transaction more convenient. Today, the Qing copper coins also have better collection value and are sold at a high price in the auction market. Many collectors are fond of the Qing copper coins and collecting a variety of copper coins has become their goal.
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