Sichuan Yonghe Li Auction Co., Ltd. For the strong dissemination effect of collections, we recommend to buyers the art treasures selected by experts of national first-level appraisal, and make a bridge for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded at auction.
【規格】直徑:78.59mm長:50cm 寬:26.5cm
[Name]Chinese Carrier Model
[Specification] Diameter: 78.59 mm long: 50 cm wide: 26.5 cm
[Category] Miscellaneous
Before 2000, Emperor Qin Shihuang unified China and made great efforts to build the Great Wall to resist powerful enemies. After 2000, China rose peacefully and built a moving steel "Great Wall" - an aircraft carrier in the frontier waters. It is of great significance to safeguard the sovereignty of the sea.
In 2011, China's first aircraft carrier was finally born. It placed the centuries-old expectation of the Chinese nation. It fulfilled the long-cherished aspirations of several generations of state leaders. It witnessed the glorious course of New China's moving towards a powerful country. China's first aircraft carrier, costing tens of billions of dollars, has incomparably powerful air-to-ground firepower. It is known as the "king of naval warfare" and can be regarded as China's pride.
藏品史無前例地采用了最新的鑄造絕密工藝,每一個零部件鑄造難度之高,都將是建國60多年來對大師們技藝的最高檢閱;這是我黨、我國建立以來,國內頂級大 師工匠們的一次集體最高技藝獻禮,其零部件之精,數量之多,鑄工之精細都將蓋過歷史中每一個朝代的鑄造業之巔,這就是對共和國的最高禮贊。
The collection has unprecedentedly adopted the latest top-secret casting technology, and each part of the casting process is very difficult, which will be the highest review of the skills of the masters over the past 60 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. This is a collective gift of the highest skill of the top domestic masters and craftsmen since the founding of our Party and our country. The fineness of the foundry workers will surpass the top of the foundry industry of every dynasty in history, which is the highest praise to the Republic.