陜西嘉輝藝術品拍賣有限公司【藏.薦】欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經一級鑒定專家甄選的藝術珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在私下洽購會上得以高價成交。
【名稱】 錢幣一組
【規格】 規格不一
【類別】 雜項
The coin is one of the metal coins of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It evolved from the shovel-shaped tool money. Silver, mostly bronze, descendants refer specifically to copper coins. The original coin and the tool money were in the same shape and later gradually separated, with their own characteristics. This currency is called money. The word "money" thus became one of the names of money. The area where money was used was originally in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and the Jin Dynasty, and later expanded to the border areas between Yan and Qin and the countries bordering them. Coins are denominated in coins. Qin Shihuang unified half of the money and abolished the coins of various countries.
近幾年“浙江省造光緒元寶”一度成為保藏界追捧的寵兒,媒體上炒得沸反盈天,動輒上百萬的天價。據了解,香餑餑的“浙江省造光緒元寶”保藏價值極高,可是“浙江省造光緒元寶”存世量極為稀疏,“浙江省造光緒元寶”保藏價值難以估計,是古玩保藏商場的新寵。此枚浙江省造光緒元寶當十具有很高的收藏和投資價值,有明顯歷史年代的沉積,不難看出它明顯的歷史過渡性特征,該枚錢幣雖然歷經滄桑,但紋路依然隱約可見,有著難以言表的收藏投資價值 In recent years, "Zhejiang Province made Guangxu Yuanbao" has once become the darling sought after by the preservation community. The media has been fried against the sky, and the price of millions of dollars has been high. It is understood that the value of the "Zhejiang Province Made Guangxu Yuanbao" preservation is extremely high, but the "Zhejiang Province Made Guangxu Yuanbao" is extremely sparse, and the preservation value of "Zhejiang Province Made Guangxu Yuanbao" is difficult to estimate. It is an antique store. The new pet. This Zhejiang Province made Guangxu Yuanbao has a high collection and investment value. It has obvious historical deposits. It is not difficult to see its obvious historical transitional characteristics. Although the coin has undergone vicissitudes, the pattern is still faintly visible. There is an unspeakable collection investment value.
下面(背面)為嘉禾之圖案, 古稱生長奇異的禾,古人以之為吉祥的征兆。亦泛指生長茁壯的禾稻。典出《尚書·周書·微子之命》:"唐叔得禾,異畝同穎,獻諸天子。鑄在錢幣之上寓意國家重視農桑、以民生為本;其另一思想取其家和之諧音,寓意"家和萬事興"之意;
鑄幣之上當政者有國泰民安、吉祥如意之愿景,民間收藏,寓意"家和萬事興"之吉祥之寶,故有很高的收藏研究價值。Yuandatou's ordinary currency(front) is a five-point image of Yuan Shikai's left side. It is cast in the "X-Year of the Republic of China" or "X-Year of the Republic of China" and has a high historical and cultural research value. The idea of "democracy, Republicanism, constitutionalism, and constitutional monarchy".
The following(back) is the pattern of Jiahe. Ancient times called the growth of strange crickets. The ancients used it as an auspicious sign. Also refers to the growth of strong rice. The book "Book of Zhou Shu and the Life of the Neutrino" was published: "Tang Shu has to be married, and the other acres are the same, offering the sons of heaven. Cast on coins means that the country attaches importance to agriculture and mulberry, based on people's livelihood; Another idea is to take the homonym of his home and meaning "home and everything";
The regimes on the coin have the vision of national peace and prosperity, and the folk collection, which means the auspicious treasure of "home and prosperity". Therefore, it has a high collection value.
廣東省造雙龍壽字光緒元寶一枚,此幣鑄于光緒三十一年(1905)初,為紀念慈禧七十壽辰而鑄。張炯伯在《廣東省造銀幣》一文中寫道:"惟本品因未紀年,殊難遽斷,然觀其圖案,諧作福壽,環繞雙龍,幕無英文,意含頌祝,大異常制。由此以推,成為紀念幣之一種,專鑄以祝慈禧太后七旬萬壽者也。"其珍罕性和極高的收藏價值是泉界所一致公認的。 Guangdong Province made a dragon longevity character Guangxu Yuanbao, which was cast at the beginning of the 31st year of Guangxu(1905) to commemorate the 70th birthday of Cixi. Zhangjiongbo wrote in the article "Guangdong Province Made Silver coins": "However, due to the fact that this product has not been written, it is difficult to break it. However, looking at its pattern, it is harmonious for Fushou, surrounded by Shuanglong, and the curtain is not in English. From this point, it became a kind of commemorative coin, and it was specially cast to wish the Empress Dowager Cixi seventy years of life. "Its rare nature and extremely high collection value are unanimously recognized by the spring community.
該幣正面圖案中央為黎元洪戴軍帽像,珠圈外上環鐫中文隸書體"中華民國"4字,下環鐫中文隸書體"開國紀念幣"5字,珠圈外左右兩側有梅花圖案;背面圖案中央是豎鐫"壹圓"2字,珠圈外上環鐫英文"THEREPUBLICOFCHINA"(中華民國),下環鐫英文"ONEDOLLAR"(壹元)。兩側偏下有五角星。此幣設計美觀,鑄工精良,傳世稀少,殊為珍貴。The center of the front of the coin is the image of Liyuanhongdaijun's hat. There are 4 characters in the Chinese script "Republic of China" outside the bead circle, and 5 characters in the Chinese script "Founding Commemorative Coin" in the lower ring. There are plum blossom patterns on the left and right sides of the bead circle; The center of the back pattern is the vertical "round" 2 characters, the outer ring of the bead is encircled in English "THEREPULICOCOFCHINA"(Republic of China), and the lower ring is "ONEDOLLAR"(