關山月是嶺南畫派的代表人物,他的畫不僅具有嶺南畫派的共性,也具有自己獨特的畫貌,在藝術上堅持嶺南畫派的革新主張,追求畫面的時代感和生活氣息.本幅<清香圖>是他上世紀八十年代創作的精品力作,梅花枝干如鐵,繁華似火,雄渾厚重,清麗秀逸,實屬不可多得的佳作. Guan Shanyue is a representative figure of the Lingnan School of Painting. His paintings not only have the common characteristics of the Lingnan School of Painting, but also have their own unique paintings. They adhere to the innovative ideas of the Lingnan School of Painting in art, pursue the sense of the times and life of the picture, and this picture & lt; Fragrance map & GT; He was the 1980's creation of fine works, plum branches such as iron, prosperous like fire, magnificent thick, beautiful and elegant, is a rare masterpiece.