【規格】重:10.5g 直徑:3.26cm
清代晚期制造機制幣,光緒年間引進國外造幣機器鑄造的流通貨幣,銅幣。清代銀幣、紙鈔、銅幣并行,至嘉慶年間發行新式銀元,而光緒年間鑄行金、銀幣更多。洋務運動也影響到鑄幣業,兩廣總督張之洞曾于光緒十三年(1887年)委托使英大臣在英國訂 購全套造幣機器,并在廣東錢局首鑄機制銀元和銅元。其后,各省紛紛仿效,購制國外機械鑄造銀、銅元。錢幣正面鮮然可見滿漢文化的融合,而錢背卻明確標示了西方文化的介入。當制十文較多,當制二十文較少,具有很高的收藏價值, 光緒元寶是清朝光緒年間流通的貨幣之一。由湖北兩廣總督張之洞率先引進英國鑄幣機器鑄造銀元和銅元,之后各省紛紛仿效。共有十九個省局鑄造,除中央戶部,地方省所鑄銅元,皆在其正面上緣鐫寫省名。
In the late Qing Dynasty, manufactured machine-made coins were introduced into the circulation currency, copper coins, minted by foreign coin machines during the Guangxu period. In the Qing Dynasty, silver, paper and copper coins went hand in hand, and new silver coins were issued in Jiaqing, while more gold and silver coins were minted in Guangxu. The Westernization Movement also affected the minting industry. In 1887, Governor Zhang Zhidong of Guangzhou and Guangzhou commissioned the British Minister to order a complete set of minting machines in the UK, and first minted silver and copper yuan in the Guangdong Money Bureau. Since then, the provinces have followed suit and purchased foreign mechanical casting silver and copper yuan. On the positive side of coins, the integration of Manchu and Han cultures can be seen, while Qianbei clearly indicates the intervention of Western cultures. There are more ten articles and less twenty articles in the current system, which have high collection value. Guangxu Yuanbao was one of the currencies circulated during the period of Guangxu in Qing Dynasty. Zhang Zhidong, governor of Guangdong and Guangdong provinces in Hubei, took the lead in introducing British coin machines to mint silver and copper yuan, which were followed by other provinces. There are nineteen provincial bureaus casting. Except for the central household department, the copper coins cast by local provinces are all inscribed on the upper margin of their fronts.
此枚錢幣正面珠圈內鑄“光緒元寶”四字直讀;珠圈外環上為滿文及戶部,左右兩側各有兩朵五星小花飾之,下環“當制錢二十文”,字體工整秀麗,端莊大方,最具價值的是此枚錢幣屬“稀有的錯版幣”,正反錯位15-20度。錢幣背面中央鑄龍圖,龍紋極其壯麗美觀,線條粗細有致,深淺分明,錢幣背面中央鑄龍圖,龍紋極其壯麗美觀,線條粗細有致,深淺分明,鑄造工藝高超,神龍紋飾活靈活現,栩栩如生。錢幣背面外緣上方書“HU POO”,下緣書“20CASH”英文字樣。
This coin has four characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" in its front bead circle, Manchu and household on its outer ring, and two five-star flower ornaments on its left and right sides. The lower ring has a neat and elegant typeface. The most valuable coin is "rare misplaced version coin", with a positive and negative misalignment of 15-20 degrees. The central dragon pattern on the back of the coin is very magnificent and beautiful. The lines are thick and thin, and the depth is clear. The central dragon pattern on the back of the coin is very magnificent and beautiful. The lines are thick and thin, the depth is clear, the casting technology is superb, and the decoration of the divine dragon pattern is vivid and vivid. The book "HU POO" on the back and the book "20CASH" on the bottom of the coin.
The collection value of misprinted coins is very high, and the space for appreciation and commemoration are of great significance. The coin collection market has always been "rare is precious". Because of the small circulation, large amount of recovery and destruction, and short circulation time, the wrong version of the coin is more valuable than the normal one.
The paste on the surface of coins is natural and mellow, and the traces left by history are clearly visible. The transition of history is natural, with profound historical value and far-reaching significance. It has great artistic and ornamental value and historical collection value. Guangxu Yuanbao is the first large denomination currency circulated in Guangxu year of the Great Qing Dynasty. It is the first circulation currency to introduce overseas technology in China. It also has certain historical significance for today. This coin in Guangxu Yuanbao is a copper coin, which is rare in the world.
Ⅰ、環球財經網 Ⅱ、中國商訊網 Ⅲ、中國財經頭條 Ⅳ、深圳網
Ⅴ、雅昌網 Ⅵ、中國頭條 Ⅶ、今日新聞
Ⅷ、微信公眾平臺 Ⅸ、國際新聞等100多家媒體宣傳
[陶瓷] 高古瓷、元明清瓷器、民國名瓷、現代毛瓷及大師精品瓷器,紫砂壺。
[古錢幣] 各朝代稀有古錢幣,清代,民國銀元銅元類。
[玉石] 古玉、明清玉、現代玉、翡翠、田黃、雞血石。
[字畫] 歷代名人名家書畫、現當代書畫、各派系名家字畫。
[雜項] 古籍善本、金銀銅器、奇石雕件、文房用品、佛像。
[家具] 明清各種材質的硬木家具,以紫檀、海南黃花梨及金絲楠木等名貴材料為主。