Chen Tieshan's Tiger Painting in Qing Dynasty
Number: XJPPM-00008
Long: 127 cm
Width: 62cm
陳鐵珊(1733-1799)清代著名畫家。號兩峰,又號衣云、別號花之寺、金牛山人、 洲漁父、師蓮老人。祖籍安徽歙縣,后為江蘇甘泉(今揚州)人。在場州自稱住處謂“朱草詩林”。為金農入室弟子,未作官,好游歷。畫人物、佛像、山水、花果、梅、蘭、竹等,無所不工。筆調奇創,超逸不群,別具一格。他又善畫《鬼趣圖》,描寫形形色色的丑惡鬼態,無不極盡其妙,借以諷刺當時社會的丑態。亦善刻印,著有《廣印人傳》。金農死后,他搜羅遺稿,出資刻版,使金農的著作得以傳于后世。其妻方婉儀,字白蓮,亦擅畫梅蘭竹石,并工于詩。子允紹、允纘,均善畫梅,人稱“羅家梅派”。其代表作有:《物外風標圖》(冊頁)、《兩峰蓑笠圖》、《丹桂秋高圖》、《成陰障日圖》、《 谷清吟圖》、《畫竹有聲圖》等。著有《香葉草堂集》。
Chen Tieshan (1733-1799) was a famous painter in Qing Dynasty. No. 2 Peak, No. Yiyun, No. Huazhi Temple, Jinniushan Man, Fisherman of Zhouzhou, Old Man Shilian. He was born in Shexian County, Anhui Province, and later came from Ganquan, Jiangsu Province (now Yangzhou). The present Prefecture claimed its residence as "Zhucao Shilin". Jinnong's disciples, who are not officials, are good travelers. Painting figures, Buddha statues, landscapes, flowers and fruits, plums, orchids, bamboos and so on. The style is unique and unique. He was good at drawing "ghost charts" and describing all kinds of ugly ghosts, which satirized the ugliness of the society at that time. He is also good at engraving and is the author of Biography of Guangyin People. After Jinnong's death, he collected the manuscripts and contributed to the engraving, which enabled Jinnong's works to be handed down to later generations. His wife, Fang Wanyi, Bailian, is also good at painting plum orchid, bamboo and stone, and works in poetry. Zi Yunshao and Yun Qian are both good at painting plum, known as the "Luo Jiamei School". His representative works include: Wind Map Outside Things (album pages), Lily Map on Two Peaks, Dangui Autumn High Map, Sunmap on Yin Barrier, Gu Qingyin Map, and Picture of Bamboo Sound Map, etc. He is the author of The Vanilla Hall Collection.
This "Megatron Mountain River" tiger picture is made by Chen Tieshan, using realism, vividly showing the tiger's prestige, vivid image, vigorous pace, and still on paper. Cangshan Falls in the distance, pine, cypress and bamboo in the near, full of three-dimensional feeling. Before standing up, it seems to be in it. It is really a masterpiece of Chinese painting tiger. It has high artistic value and collection value, and its market prospects are immeasurable. The market is also bare-handed, the appreciation space is very high.