成都博古軒拍賣有限公司【藏.薦】欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經國家一級鑒定專家甄選的藝術珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓千百件藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在拍賣會上得以高價成交。
Chengdu Boguxuan Auction Co., Ltd. [Tibet. Recommendation] column recommends art treasures selected by experts at the first level of national appraisal to buyers for the powerful dissemination effect of the collection. It helps collectors to bridge the gap, so that the value of thousands of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and high prices can be concluded at the auction.
【名稱】 六枚光緒元寶
【類別】 雜項
Six Guangxu Yuanbao
[Specification] Sichuan Guangxu Yuanbao is divided into seven parts and one centimeter: 2.59 g in weight, 18.4 mm in diameter and 0.9 mm in thickness.
[Specification] Yunnan Maoguangxu Yuanbao: 5.22g in weight, 23.5mm in diameter and 1.1mm in thickness
[Specification] Guangdong made two pieces with one dollar and four cents: weight 5.27 g, diameter 23.1 mm and thickness 1.2 mm.
Sichuan Sanqian Lifen: 13.01g in weight, 33.5mm in diameter and 1.4mm in thickness
[Specification] Yunnan made one dollar and four cents: 5.13g in weight, 23.1mm in diameter and 1.2mm in thickness.
[Category] Miscellaneous
史料上記載,兩廣總督張之洞曾在光緒十五年接受英國匯豐銀行的建議,停鑄七三反版銀幣,改鑄七二反版銀幣,庫平七錢二分的銀元才被制造出來。并作為當時主要的流通幣之一。見證樂清王朝的興盛更替。極具歷史價值。According to historical records, Zhang Zhidong, governor of Guangzhou and Guangzhou, accepted the proposal of HSBC Bank in Guangxu 15 years. He stopped casting 73 counterfeit silver coins and changed them into 72 counterfeit silver coins. Only then did Kuping produce seven-and-two-cent silver coins. And as one of the main currency at that time. Witness the prosperity and replacement of Yueqing Dynasty. It is of great historical value.
銀幣的產生與發展已經有六百多年的歷史。據史料介紹,起源于15世紀的銀元,始鑄于歐洲,又稱“洋錢”、“花邊錢”或“大洋”,是世界上銀本位制國家主要的流通貨幣。到了16世紀,銀元開始向我國流入。民國之后,銀元更是被定為主要流通幣成為近代幣收藏的重要幣種之一。清朝的官鑄銀元始于1890年,并從廣東省起步。1893年以后,湖北、江蘇、福建等省紛紛仿效廣東省,鑄造了屬于自己的銀元貨幣。1910年9月以后,清政府發布“幣制則例”,規定了以銀元(含銀七錢二分)為國幣。Guangxu Yuanbao, Guangdong Province
In recent years, China's collecting industry has surged, and many collections have appreciated greatly. Among them, coins are one of the fastest and most significant varieties, and the army of collecting ancient coins has been growing. Some insiders believe that the ancient coin market has been booming for more than ten years, and the general trend will not change in the future. Especially after the development of Internet commerce, it has a great role in promoting the collection and trading of ancient coins.
The earliest mechanism of Western-style coins in China was "Guangxu Yuanbao" in the Guangxu period, commonly known as "Longyang", which was named after the dragon pattern on the back of the coins. Precious ancient coins are the physical objects of the history of money. As they are no longer in circulation, few of them remain, which is the testimony of history. The coin is well preserved and difficult to circulate. It is one of the few precious coins, and it is also popular among coin collectors.
The emergence and development of silver coins have a history of more than 600 years. According to historical data, the silver dollar originated in the 15th century and was first cast in Europe. It is also called "foreign money", "lace money" or "ocean". It is the main currency in the silver standard countries in the world. By the 16th century, silver dollars began to flow into China. After the Republic of China, the silver dollar was designated as the main currency and became one of the important currencies in the collection of modern coins. The official silver coins of the Qing Dynasty began in 1890 and began in Guangdong Province. After 1893, Hubei, Jiangsu, Fujian and other provinces followed the example of Guangdong Province, casting their own silver currency. After September 1910, the Qing government promulgated the "Regulations on Currency System", which stipulated that silver yuan (including seven cents of silver) should be the national currency.
該銀幣正面點圈內為漢文和滿文“光緒元寶”四字, 重量為 5.27g,直徑 2.31CM,點圈上方“廣東省造”四字,下方為“庫平一錢四分”,背面蟠龍居中,外圍為英文。其包漿自然醇厚,圖文飽滿,壓力到位,圖案非常神韻,深打字口清楚,流通痕跡明顯,邊齒過關,龍鱗清晰,版底無瑕,老道開門,具有極高的投資價值和收藏價值。它有著歷史熏陶,是價值很高的革命文物,具有深遠的歷史紀念意義。The collection is exquisite in appearance, unique in aesthetic style, and the integration of Manchu and Han cultures can be seen on the front of coins, while Qianbei clearly indicates the intervention of Western cultures. Although the coin is small, it can also give a glimpse of social culture.
The silver coin has four characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese and Manchu, weighing 5.27g and 2.31CM in diameter, four words of "made in Guangdong Province" above the coin circle, four cents of Kuping's one dollar under it, with Panlong in the middle on the back and English on the outside. Its pulp is naturally mellow, full of pictures and texts, pressure is in place, the design is very charming, the deep typewriting mouth is clear, the circulation trace is obvious, the edge teeth pass through, the dragon scale is clear, the bottom is flawless, the old road opens the door, has a very high investment value and collection value. It has historical edification, is a highly valuable revolutionary cultural relic, with far-reaching historical Memorial significance.
Chuangguang Xu Yuanbao, Sichuan Province
第二枚四川省造光緒元寶 重2.59g ,直徑 1.84CM, “四川省造光緒元寶庫平七分二厘”,圖照可鑒,其無論文字和紋飾,皆十分精到,凸凹鮮明,文字筆劃和紋飾線條圓滾,顯示模具沖壓著力深打,致其品相精美無比,其工藝水準也是至今之偽所不能矣。
華夏文明上下五千年,歷史文化源遠流長。每一個歷史發展的階段都是我們國家成長的足跡,銀元也正是這歷史銀河中組成的重要部分。就其特定的歷史時期也使它在錢幣史上占據著重要的地位,它不僅代表著近代中國的貨幣文化,反映了我國近代歷史、經濟、金融的興衰和滄桑,具有很高的藝術觀賞價值和文物價值。The first Guangxu Yuanbao in Sichuan Province weighs 13.01g and has a diameter of 3.35cm. The front edge of the coin is made in Sichuan Province, while the lower edge is made in Kuping with three cents and six cents. The central part of the coin is written in Chinese with four characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao". There are flower patterns in the center and one star on the left and right sides. The back of the coin is surrounded by English characters, with one solid petal on each side and one solid petal in the middle. For a majestic Panglong, the eyes are exquisite, the Dragon scales are carefully carved, the clouds are flying, the body is vigorous and powerful, the gods are brave, and the royal majesty is displayed. The purse is mature, no traces of old age, good looking. It is a high-quality Guangxu Yuan Bao, which has great collection value.
The second one weighs 2.59g and has a diameter of 1.84CM. The "Sichuan Chuanguang Xuyuan Treasury is divided into seven parts and two centimeters", which can be seen from the pictures. Its characters and ornaments are exquisite, concave and distinct, and the strokes and lines of ornaments are round and round. It shows that the stamping force of the die is deep and the products are exquisite and its craft water is incomparable. It must also be impossible to be false up to now. _
Manchu-Chinese "Guangxu Yuanbao" in the Pearl circle, Sichuan-made in the upper circle and Kuping in the lower circle, each with a cross star. The coins look good and the fonts are strong and powerful! The edge of the natural age sense is very strong, the natural wear and tear is even, reflecting the coinage technology of Sichuan at that time. _
The back of the coin is the most perfect one, which can be said to be the best one in the coin.
Qianbei: Central Panlong map, upper and lower ring English, each with a cross star.
Over the past five thousand years, Chinese civilization has a long history of history and culture. Every stage of historical development is the footprint of our country's growth, and the silver dollar is also an important part of the historical galaxy. Its specific historical period also makes it occupy an important position in the history of coins. It not only represents the monetary culture of modern China, but also reflects the ups and downs and vicissitudes of our modern history, economy and finance. It has high artistic and cultural value.
Yuanbao of Maoguangxu in Yunnan Province
錢面:頂部鑄楷體“云南省造”四字,底部鑄貨幣價值“庫平三錢六分”,中心直讀“光緒元寶”四字” 錢文極為精湛、大氣,間架結構平衡舒展,該枚錢幣表面的包漿自然,給人一種歲月凝重的滄桑感。
錢背:正中蟠龍圖,左右各一六點花星。此蟠龍圖是中國所有龍洋圖案銀元中,工藝最精湛,雕工最完美,浮雕感最強烈的品種,鏡面平整光滑,紋飾的相慣線,顯得非常清晰。In 1906, the Qing government set up the General Mint of the Ministry of Household Affairs in Tianjin to cast "Guangxu Yuan Bao" silver and "Qing silver coins". In the 31st year of Guangxu, Yunnan was approved to set up a branch factory. The factory is located in the old Baoyun Bureau address. Now, in Qianju Street of Kunming City, machinery and equipment are imported from Germany. Skilled workers are transferred from Sichuan. The ancestor mould department requests Tianjin Factory to receive it. In August of Guangxu 33, the coinage was completed and silver coinage began to be minted. First-minted silver coins are now commonly known as "Old Yunnan" and have a face value of seven cents and two cents, three cents and six cents, and four cents and four cents. There are four varieties with face value of seven cents and two cents, three cents and six cents, four cents and four cents and seven cents and two cents.
Money Face: The four characters "made in Yunnan Province" at the top and "made in Yunnan Province" at the bottom are coined with the value of "Kuping three cents and six cents". The four words "Guangxu Yuanbao" are read directly by the center. The money is exquisite, atmospheric and balanced. The structure of the shelf is balanced and stretched. The surface of the coin is naturally encapsulated, giving people a sense of vicissitudes and vicissitudes of years.
Qianbei: Dragon map in the middle, about 16 flower stars. Among all the silver elements of dragon pattern in China, this picture is the most exquisite in craftsmanship, the most perfect in sculptor and the strongest in relief. The mirror is smooth and smooth, and the phase inertia line of decoration is very clear.
This group of two Yunnan Maoguangxu Yuan Baoku Pingsanqian 6 points total weight of 5.22g, diameter of 2.35cm, good appearance, clear font, regular shape, good quality, fluent font writing, fine decoration and engraving, its natural color, whether text or pattern, are natural delicate, shallow and appropriate, rare in the world, it in the light. It emits a kind of light silver light, as if with a king's nobility, has great appreciation and collection value.