藏品尺寸:重:7.64g 直徑:29mm
推薦市場:迪拜新加坡 臺灣 中國
collection name: daqing copper coin
collection size: weight: 7.64g diameter: 29mm
price: bargaining
recommendation market: dubai, singapore, taiwan and china
藏品簡介:此件藏品大清銅幣戶部屬銅幣稀罕珍品,直徑:29mm,重:7.64g,包漿圓潤。錢幣正面珠圈內鑄有"大清銅幣"四字,中間為"鄂"字,鄂指的是湖北省,由此可見此枚大清銅幣乃指定發行給湖北省的錢幣。左右分列"戶部"二字,下環鑄"當制錢十文";錢幣,幣面歷史痕跡明顯,錢文清晰,字體深俊,端正工整,挺拔秀美,十分漂亮。錢幣背面中央為蟠龍,上端是“光緒(或宣統)年造”,下端英文“tai-ching ti-kuo coper coin”字樣(大清帝國銅幣)。栩栩如生的神龍,雕刻工藝精美,龍紋細膩,龍麟深邃,龍眼炯炯有神,威武霸氣,盡顯皇家威嚴,十分震撼,讓人看了無不拍手叫絕。珠圈外上環鐫"光緒年造"四字,英文環繞其中,融入了國外文字文化,可見清朝時期開始我國已有對外接觸交流的現象,是該時期鮮明的歷史印記。具有很大的收藏價值,值得入手!
collection deion: this collection of daqing copper coins belongs to rare copper coins. its diameter is 29mm, weight is 7.64g, and its pulp is round. the front bead circle of the coin has four characters of "daqing copper coin", with the middle word of "e", which refers to hubei province. it can be seen that this daqing copper coin is designated to be issued to hubei province. left and right are divided into the word "household" and the next ring is cast with "ten pieces of money made in the form of money"; coins, with obvious historical traces on the face of the coin, have clear money, deep and handsome fonts, are neat, upright and beautiful, and are very beautiful. the central part of the back of the coin is panlong, and the upper part is "guangxu (or xuantong) year", while the lower part is "tai-ching ti-kuo coper coin" (qing empire copper coin). lifelike dragon, exquisite sculpture, delicate dragon pattern, deep longlin, longan shining god, majesty, full of royal dignity, very shocked, let people see all clap their hands. the four characters of "guangxu annual creation" surrounded by the pearl circle, english, are integrated into the foreign language and culture. it can be seen that the phenomenon of contacts and exchanges with foreign countries began in the qing dynasty, which is a distinct historical mark of that period. it has great collection value and is worth starting with.