乾隆通寶是乾隆時期的流通貨幣, 乾隆皇帝在位的60年里施展其“文治武功”的治國策略,創造了封建社會里最后一個輝煌盛世,之后民間便盛傳佩帶“乾隆通寶”銅錢可驅災辟邪,又因乾隆二字諧音“錢隆”而備受后世藏家所喜愛的錢幣。
Emperor Qianlong Tongbao was the currency in circulation during the Qianlong period. During his 60 years in power, Emperor Qianlong carried out his strategy of governing the country with "literary and martial arts" and created the last glorious prosperity in feudal society. Later, it was widely spread among the people that wearing "Qianlong Tongbao" copper money could drive away evil spirits, and it was well received by later collectors because of the two-character homophonic "Qianlong". Favorite coins. Box money, resulting in fewer and fewer survivors, has become a rare breed in Quanjia.
藏品名稱:乾隆通寶 藏品 重量:4.25g 直徑:22.28mm
該藏品鑄工精美,品相較好,銅幣包漿入骨,流通痕跡自然,具有極高的投資價值和收藏價值。錢面文字“乾隆通寶”以楷書書寫,其字從上而下而右而左直讀,錢幣的背面有滿文“寶泉”兩個字。 藏品雖經歷了無窮歲月,但紋路依然清晰可見,具有非常明顯的歷史過渡性特征,有著難以言喻的收藏價值
The collection has exquisite foundry, good appearance, pulp into the bone, natural circulation traces, high investment value and collection value. Qianlong Tongbao is written in regular script. Its characters are read directly from top to bottom, right to left. On the back of the coin, there are two words of "Baoquan" in Manchu. Collections have gone through endless years, but the patterns are still clear, with a very clear historical transitional characteristics, has an indescribable collection value.