順治通寶為清朝錢幣,鑄于世祖順治年間(1644年~1661年)。順治通寶是清朝入關后正式鑄行的第一種制錢,面文“順治通寶”,錢文宋體、均為對讀;多為黃銅質,有極少數為青銅;錢體趨于扁平,錢緣寬闊。順治通寶主要為小平錢,少數折二、折十大錢,按背文變化和鑄行階段可分為五式。早期順治錢保留了明朝制錢工藝,使其版式具有明顯的明朝錢幣特征,而后期徹底從明朝制錢體系中脫離出來,建立了獨有的清代制錢風格。 “順治五式”在明清錢幣演化中起到了承前啟后的作用。清軍入關之后,清政權、南明政權、農民起義軍政權之間爆發的一系列大規模的戰爭。清政權的統一戰爭主導了前期順治錢的鑄造,它是一個戰時貨幣演化的經典案例和實物證據。Shunzhi Tongbao was a coin of the Qing Dynasty. It was coined in the years of Shunzhi (1644-1661). Shunzhi Tongbao was the first kind of money-making formally cast in the Qing Dynasty after entering the Customs. Its face-writing was "Shunzhi Tongbao". The style of Qian Wen and Song Dynasty was read in pairs. Most of them were brass, but a few were bronze. The body of money tended to be flat and the margin of money was broad. Shunzhi Tongbao is mainly small flat money, a small amount of two-fold, ten-fold money, according to the changes in the back and casting stage can be divided into five types. In the early period, Shunzhi Qian retained the Ming Dynasty's money-making technology, which made its format have obvious Ming Dynasty coin characteristics. In the later period, Shunzhi Qian was completely separated from the Ming Dynasty's money-making system and established its unique style of money-making in the Qing Dynasty. "Shunzhi Five Styles" played a connecting role in the evolution of Ming and Qing coins.。A series of large-scale wars broke out between the Qing regime, the Nanming regime and the peasant rebellion army regime after the Qing army entered the customs. The United war of the Qing regime led to the founding of Shunzhi money in the early period. It is a classic case and material evidence of the evolution of currency in wartime.
。This coin shape is round and dignified, for circular square hole copper coin, its shape outside the heaven and earth, take essence macro. Coin front up and right left read "Shunzhi Tongbao" four words, the font is clearly visible, release the atmosphere, writing naturally smooth, powerful.