焚香之器具。與花瓶、燭臺一齊供養于佛前,為比丘十八物之一。銅爐,是中國古代銅器一個獨特的品種,包括炭爐(又稱燎爐)、溫酒爐、熏爐、手爐等,這些銅制的爐基本上都是實用器具。和其他中國古代實用器一樣,古代銅爐同時也是藝術品,并且深深地刻上了傳統吉祥文化的烙印。地球有春夏秋冬,人類需要避暑防寒。炭爐,就是古人在天寒地凍時燎炭取暖的用具,類似于現在的火盆。所以銅爐最初的定義就是“盛火器”。炭爐在中國很早就出現,在商代墓葬中已有出土。春秋戰國時期,我國的青銅文明進入高峰期,炭爐已是貴族階層的日常用具。早期的炭爐多為圓形,下有三足,口沿外有鏈環作提攜之用。Incense burning utensils. With vases and candlesticks, it is one of the eighteen things of Bhikkhu. Copper stoves are a unique variety of ancient Chinese copper wares, including charcoal stoves (also known as pyrotechnics), wine warming stoves, smoking stoves, hand stoves and so on. These copper stoves are basically practical appliances. Like other ancient Chinese utilities, ancient copper stoves are also works of art, and deeply engraved with the brand of traditional auspicious culture. The earth has spring, summer, autumn and winter. Human beings need to avoid summer and cold. The charcoal stove is the tool that the ancients used to burn charcoal to warm themselves when the weather was cold, similar to the present fire basin. So the original definition of copper stove is "firearm". Carbon stoves appeared very early in China and have been unearthed in tombs of the Shang Dynasty. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, China's bronze civilization reached its peak, and the charcoal stove was the daily appliance of the noble class. Early carbon stoves were mostly round, with three legs under them and chain links outside the mouth for carrying.
The furnace weighs 640g, has a wide mouth, a drum belly, three bellies, three legs underneath, forming a tripartite position. Its shape is exquisite, its shape and ear transitions are smooth and natural, showing exquisite workmanship, elegant lines, and quiet. Its skin color is dark, rich and moist, Baoguang restrained. Copper stove material is pure, thick slurry, smooth and shiny surface, especially beautiful. The whole instrument is simple and elegant, heavy and calm, and is by no means unusual. This stove has exquisite shape, smooth and natural shape and ear transition, showing exquisite craftsmanship.
Incense burning custom has a long history in our country. Ancient people burned incense a lot, so incense burner has a wide range of uses. In addition to the lavender required by the etiquette environment, it is also a clean supply of literary play which is easy to read, beneficial to understanding and memory in the study. In addition, there is also a use of mausoleums, temples and powerful homes burning incense, worship Buddha, worship ancestral gods. In Mr. Qiu's cabinet, the author saw this kind of warp-pressing stove. He told me that the ancient emperors liked to give this to Buddhist temples. Later, monasteries were mostly imitated, and gradually became special objects of ritual and Buddhism.雖然香爐收藏相對小眾一些,但是其收藏價值和歷史價值不容忽視。從工藝造型來看,一些皇帝御賜的銅香爐由于其精細的工藝而提升了其價值。因此,年代久遠、雕工精美的銅香爐價值不菲。另外,由于明清銅爐歷史上經歷諸多劫難,損失慘重,造成后仿爐和私款爐也已成為珍罕的歷史文物。
Although the incense burner collection is relatively small, its collection value and historical value can not be ignored. From the point of view of technological modelling, some bronze incense stoves given by emperors have increased their value because of their fine craftsmanship. Therefore, the copper incense stove with long history and exquisite carving is of great value. In addition, the Ming and Qing bronze stoves experienced many disasters and heavy losses in history, resulting in post-imitation stoves and private stoves have also become rare historical relics.