度母是密教重要的崇奉對象,按密教說法,度母是觀音菩薩的化身,早期只流行一種站立姿勢的形像,后為演變成二十一種,名稱、形像各異,度母是尼泊爾造像的主要題材。尼泊爾度母佛像頭戴花冠,項掛短鏈,上身袒露,下身圍裙,腹系腰帶,飄帛斜披于臀部,手臂足皆有釧飾,在總體上基本可以看出同印度同期度母像的承襲關(guān)系。但是與印度同期度母比較,其獨特之處十分明顯,多處閃爍著尼泊爾民族藝術(shù)的光輝。Tara is an important object of worship in tantra. According to tantra, tara is the incarnation of avalokitesvara bodhisattva. In the early days, there was only one standing image, but later it evolved into 21 images with different names and images. The nepalese tara Buddha wears corolla on his head, short chain around his neck, with a bare upper body, apron on his lower body, belt on his belly, floating cloth on his hips, and bangles on his arms and feet. In general, we can basically see the heritage relationship with India's contemporary tara. However, compared with India's contemporary tara, its uniqueness is quite obvious, and there are many glories of Nepali national art.尼泊爾度母佛像的特點
一、首先是它的面部,呈倒三角形,上方下尖,五官小巧集中,雙唇微啟,面帶微笑,給人雋秀親切之感,頗似尼泊爾女性的面部特征。印度同期度母臉形橢圓,雙目睜視,二者迥乎不同。Features of the Nepali tara Buddha First, its face is an inverted triangle, with the upper part and the lower part pointed. It has small and concentrated features, slightly parted lips and a smile on the face, which gives a pleasant and friendly feeling, similar to the facial features of nepalese women. India has an oval, wide-eyed face, which is quite different.二、佛像體型和姿勢,尼泊爾度母佛像軀體渾圓豐厚,球狀的雙乳,高過腋部,胸部短粗,臀部肥闊,大腿壯實,造型過于夸張。身體呈三折枝式,大臀向一邊扭曲,身體重心落于一腿,姿態(tài)優(yōu)美。Ii. Shape and posture of Buddha statues: nepalese tara Buddha statue has a round and fat body with two bulbous breasts, which are higher than axils, short and thick chest, wide hips and strong thighs. The shape is too exaggerated. The body is in three branches, with the hips twisted to one side and the weight on one leg.
三、佛像細節(jié)處理,尼泊爾佛像十分注意在細小的環(huán)節(jié)上下功夫,佛像優(yōu)美的手勢就是一個表征;其次是表現(xiàn)在佛像衣飾上。,腰間的飄帛斜披,帶稍下垂再向翻卷,飄逸自然。同期印度的處理則為平行式,帶稍直落而下,沒有起伏。佛教否定宿命論,認為人有命運,但是不鼓勵人聽天由命,而是希望人開創(chuàng)命運。佛教主張諸法因緣而生,因此命運也是因緣生法。壞的命運可以借著種植善因善緣而加以改變。命運既然可以因為行慈悲、培福德、修纖悔而加以改變,因此命運并不是必然如此不可更改的。再壞的命運也能透過種種的修持而加以改造。相反地,好的命運不知善加維護,也會失卻墮落,所謂'居安思危',不能不戒,佛度有緣人,物主希望尋得有緣人Iii. Detailed treatment of Buddha statues. Nepalese Buddha statues pay great attention to small details. The second is on the Buddha's clothes. , floating waist inclined, with a little droop to roll, elegant and natural. India's treatment of the same period is parallel, with a slightly straight down, no ups and downs.
Buddhism denies fatalism, believing that people have a destiny, but does not encourage people to resign to their fate, but hopes that people create a destiny. Buddhism advocates that all dharma are born by karma, so fate is also born by karma. Bad destinies can be changed by planting good for good. Since fate can be changed by ACTS of mercy, by petting, by penance, it is not necessarily so unalterable. Even the worst fate can be reformed through various practices. On the contrary, a good fate will be lost and depraved if it is not well maintained. The so-called 'thinking of danger in times of peace' cannot be avoided. The Buddha has predestined friends, and the owner hopes to find predestined friends