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廣東省中安國際拍賣(深圳)有限公司推出收藏精品——Artworks of the Origin of the Universe!!  

【名稱】源 Beginning

[Name]Beginning  源


[Specification] wide: 17cm, high: 35.5cm、Bottom: 6cm*1cm

【類別】 藝術品 



源 Beginning

此藝術品于2000年1月26日香港中央圖書館藝術品參賽。寬17 cm、高35.5cm、底6cm*1cm 。創作思路 與 表達… (1) 宇宙由無 0 誕生 ~ ( ~ 玄拉平=一) (2) 中國一字的誕生 (3)  宇宙衍生一瞬間。無極 0生一  (4)  ~~ 一生二 (5) 數學之本源  0  1   (6)  0 無極 一真性 二太極 三生萬物…七情→萬物  (7) 百病都是由『情』因緣開始。 材料是不銹鋼。請參閱附件Annex I至Ⅴa。


Artwork Name :  Beginning  源

This work of art entered the competition at the Central Library of Hong Kong on January 26 2000.

The art width 17cm, height 35.5cm, bottom 6cm *1cm .  Thinking & expression : (1)The universe is born at moment of the Big Bang. (2) Infinite 0 …The birth of the word “China” in Tai Ji太極and (  ~  = 一 )  (3) The Big Bang derive 0  &  (  ~  = 一 )  (4) ~~ second frequency is follow  (5) The Mathematics is basic 01 .  (6)  0 nature無極  一true 真性   二the Great ultimate太極  三theorem of everything生萬物 ----  七love情 ---→ all things on earth萬物 (7) All diseases begin with the cause of affection. This is the only one in the world . It was first exhibited in a museum. It is a classic work of art.  The material is stainless steel.   Please refer Annex I toⅤa 。



Annex II






宇宙由無 0 誕生 ~ ( ~ 玄…拉平=一)★宇宙大爆發最初之一瞬間。

      無極 0…生《 ~ = 一》太極;   ★中國一字的誕生。

      《 ~~ 》一生二之源由。

★ 數學之本源 《 0  1  》;二進制;計算器組成基本。

★ 一本萬殊。推論無限大等同無限限小。

★(春夏秋冬)0 圓;~ 玄(小波頻;長波頻)  無限大﹦無限小 差想!

★ 0 圓;~ 玄( 是非;凡塵、人世間凡人 = 因緣 = 業 )

★ 一念天堂;一念地獄。

★ 0 無極 一真性 二太極 三生萬物 四象 五行 六欲 七情…→萬物。

★ 百病都是由『情』因緣開始。



★ 學問…學海無崖…不恥下問…圖書館老師。

Annex IIa



Artwork Name:源﹙Beginning﹚


This work of art entered the competition at the Central Library of Hong Kong on 26 January 2000.   The art width 17cm, height 35.5cm, bottom 6cm *1cm .


Thinking & expression : 

(1)The universe is born at moment of the Big Bang.


(2) Infinite 0 …The birth of the word “China” in Tai Ji太極and (  ~  = 一 )  


(3) The Big Bang derive 0  &  (  ~  = 一 )


(4)  ~~  second frequency is follow  


(5) The Mathematics is basic 01 .


(6) 0 nature無極  一true 真性   二the Great ultimate太極   

   三theorem of everything生萬物 ----→七love情 ---→ all things on earth萬物


(7) All diseases begin with the cause of affection. …


(8) Read  HEAVEN and HELL.


(9)  ZEN禪:有情來下種、因地果還生、無情亦無種、無性亦無生。

             Sow with affection and survive with local fruits.

             There is no seed, no sex , no life.


(10) LEANING---Don’t be ashamed to ask  ---  Library teacher.


Annex III a  道 = 一 = ~ =  a frequency

A Brief Analysis of the Connotation of  Moral Classics


Tao is omnipresent, It is the inevitable course of human historical change and biological evolution.

Two thousand and five hundred years ago, The Tao Te Jing put human thought - philosophy, management, science, etc.

Over 5000 refined words are used to coordinate all the theories. The ultimate meaning of Tao is to let people understand the way of human evolution in the universe.

Please refer attach drawing No: 《 Annex  III   》China ancient character『 Tao道 』& China ancient character『character德 』.



2019JJun26 三

Annex Ⅳa  禪=學問


Learning & Asking

Concentrated learning is the necessary way to study and research. . It is to study and analyze the complicated things one by one.  It is the source of leaning.  If we don’t know how to ask, we just don’t have enough knowledge. Therefore , we should input more knowledge into the library so that we can react promptly, ask accurate questions and make it easy for us (to solve problems)to decide thing. It is asking God for divination, you don’t know how to ask , the goal is not clear, God gives you response, is also a general , useless, so you can understand the question, an  analysis of the question, you can also find the answer.


中安國際拍賣(深圳)有限公司位于深圳市龍華區,是一家集合藝術品展覽、藝術品銷售,藝術品交流等綜合服務型平臺,企業規模100人以上。中安國際擁有豐富的客戶資源以及專業的營銷策劃團隊,為廣大藏家的藏品進行專業、立體式宣傳,并對每件拍品進行獨立特殊的營銷策劃,如撰寫具有吸引力的文案并配以不定期的藝術品展覽會等增加展品的吸引力和知名度。中安國際通過專業的團隊協作,為廣大收藏愛好者提供優質、專業、便捷的藝術品服務。Zhongan International Auction (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. is located in Longhua District of Shenzhen City. It is a comprehensive service-oriented platform for art exhibition, art sales, art exchange and so on. The scale of the enterprise is more than 100 people. With abundant customer resources and professional marketing planning team, Zhongan International carries out professional and three-dimensional propaganda for the collections of Tibetans, and carries out independent and special marketing planning for each piece of work, such as writing attractive texts and matching with irregular art exhibitions to increase the attractiveness and popularity of exhibits. Through professional teamwork, Zhongan International provides high-quality, professional and convenient art services to collectors.

      中安國際拍賣(深圳)有限公司以傳承中華五千年文化為使命,秉承“關注客戶需求、傾聽客戶聲音、全心全意為客戶創造價值”的經營理念;以“傳承藝術、收藏天下、誠信為本、傳播文化”為宗旨;“公開,公平、公正、誠信”為服務原則。Zhongan International Auction (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. takes the mission of inheriting the Chinese culture for 5000 years as its mission, adhering to the business philosophy of "paying attention to customer needs, listening to customer voices and creating value for customers wholeheartedly"; with the purpose of "inheriting art, collecting the world, honesty-based, disseminating culture"; and with the service principle of "openness, fairness, impartiality and honesty".

      中安國際還深入陶瓷學院、美術學院、珠寶鑒定學院挖掘專業人才,在進行專業培訓、實戰技巧培訓和摸底考核后,挑選出在玉器、瓷器、字畫等不同領域的優秀人才,更有針對性的在各個領域進行藏品征集。短短一年時間,中安國際已成為華東地區高端藝術收藏品行業最受歡迎的品鑒平臺。公司內部設有大型高品位的藝術收藏品展覽交易中心,分別有陶瓷區、玉器區、名人字畫區、雜項區等各類型。Zhongan International also goes deep into ceramics academy, fine arts academy, jewelry appraisal academy to excavate professional talents. After professional training, practical skills training and groping assessment, it selects outstanding talents in different fields such as jade, porcelain, calligraphy and painting, and collects collections in various fields more pertinently. In just one year, Zhongan International has become the most popular platform for high-end art collection industry in East China. The company has a large high-grade art collection exhibition and trading center, including ceramic area, jade area, celebrity calligraphy and painting area, miscellaneous area and other types.


中安國際拍賣有限公司可以做到保障成交,合同終止后只收取低額的服務費,前期不收取運作費用。合作藏品包括錢幣、瓷器、字畫、隕石、玉器、佛像、寶石等古董古玩,找尋有需求的買家。如果價格不合適的,后期有機會申請國內外拍賣平臺拍賣,做到更快成交的前提下,拍出滿意的市場價格。Zhongan International Auction Co., Ltd. can guarantee the completion of the transaction. After the termination of the contract, only a low service fee will be charged, and no operating fee will be charged in the early stage. Collaborative collections include coins, porcelain, calligraphy and painting, meteorites, jade, Buddha statues, gems and other antiques to find buyers in need. If the price is inappropriate, there will be an opportunity to apply for auction platform at home and abroad in the latter part of the auction, so as to achieve faster transaction, and to obtain a satisfactory market price.


國內正規拍賣公司,請認準深圳中安國際拍賣有限公司,免費鑒定的正規拍賣公司;前期不收取任何費用,賣不賣出去都退還押金;有實力有拍賣資質的正規拍賣公司。Domestic formal auction companies, please confirm Shenzhen Zhongan International Auction Co., Ltd., a free appraisal of the formal auction company; no charge in the early stage, selling or not selling will return the deposit; a strong formal auction company with auction qualifications.



Ancient Rhyme, Liufang and Zhongan International --- We have made the cause of artworks to the utmost



Zhongan International Collection Hotline: 0755-21004329



Seller's Need


1. If you want to display the collection on this platform, you can communicate with the following contact methods.


2. Individual Tibetan friends who need to be recommended by 120 separate media as well as individual special issues need to be noted.(Leave collection information, collection pictures)






1. Buyers can contact the customer service of this platform directly.


2. Any collection purchased on this platform can be released free of charge to help you.



Promotion of the media

Ⅰ、環球財經網Global Financial Network Ⅱ、中國商訊網China Business Network  Ⅲ、中國財經頭條China Financial Headlines  Ⅳ、深圳網Shenzhen Network

Ⅴ、雅昌網Yachang Network  Ⅵ、中國頭條China Headlines  Ⅶ、今日新聞 Today's News Ⅷ、微信公眾平臺 Wechat Public Platform IX  Ⅸ、國際新聞等100多家媒體宣傳International News and more than 100 other media publicity



Scope of solicitation:


[陶瓷] 高古瓷、元明清瓷器、民國名瓷、現代毛瓷及大師精品瓷器,紫砂壺。

[Ceramics] Gaogu, Yuan, Ming and Qing, Ming and Qing Porcelain, Minguo Porcelain, Modern Wool Porcelain and Master Fine Porcelain, Purple Sand Pot.


[古錢幣] 各朝代稀有古錢幣,清代,民國銀元銅元類。

[Ancient coins] Rare ancient coins of all dynasties. Silver and copper coins of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China.


[玉石] 古玉、明清玉、現代玉、翡翠、田黃、雞血石。

 [Jade] Ancient Jade, Ming and Qing Jade, Modern Jade, Jade, Tianhuang, Chicken Blood Stone.


[字畫] 歷代名人名家書畫、現當代書畫、各派系名家字畫。

 [Calligraphy and Painting] Calligraphy and Painting by Celebrity Masters of All Dynasties, Modern and Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting, and Calligraphy and Painting by Celebrity Masters of All Factions.


[雜項] 古籍善本、金銀銅器、奇石雕件、文房用品、佛像。

 [Miscellaneous] Good copies of ancient books, gold, silver and bronze wares, exotic stone carvings, stationery supplies, Buddha statues.


[家具] 明清各種材質的硬木家具,以紫檀、海南黃花梨及金絲楠木等名貴材料為主。

[Furniture] Hardwood furniture of various materials in Ming and Qing Dynasties is mainly composed of rosewood, Hainan Huanghua pear and Aucklandia australis.


標簽:精品 推薦 Beginning



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