成都博古軒拍賣有限公司【藏.薦】欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經國家一級鑒定專家甄選的藝術珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓千百件藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在拍賣會上得以高價成交。
Chengdu Boguxuan Auction Co., Ltd. [Tibet. Recommendation] column recommends art treasures selected by experts at the first level of national appraisal to buyers for the powerful dissemination effect of the collection. It helps collectors to bridge the gap, so that the value of thousands of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and high prices can be concluded at the auction.
【名稱】 清康熙青花花鳥橄欖對瓶
【規格】口徑:14cm 底徑:13.8cm 高42.3cm
【類別】 瓷器
[Name] Qing Kangxi Blue, Flower, Bird, Olive Pair Bottle
[Specification] Caliber: 14cm Bottom Diameter: 13.8cm High 42.3cm
[Category] Porcelain
近日成都博古軒拍賣有限公司,有幸征集到來自陜西王先生祖傳清康熙花鳥橄欖瓶一對。此對瓶口徑:14cm 底徑:13.8cm 高42.3cm。喇叭口,細頸,長鼓腹下斂,圈足。因形狀似橄欖形而得名。通體青花紋飾,繪花鳥及蝴蝶,并牡丹紋和喜鵲紋等,有《喜上眉梢之寓意》。
此器造型端莊秀雅,包漿自然 品相完好 為康熙時期典型器物之一,代表了康熙青花瓷器的風韻和特征。青花紋飾精美,牡丹花枝蔓相互纏繞,密而不亂,極富裝飾性。牡丹喜鵲是吉祥圖案之一,喻意喜上眉梢 吉祥萬福。是瓷器收藏家投資收藏的不二選擇!如果您對圖片上的清康熙花鳥橄欖對瓶有購買投資興趣請咨詢成都博古軒拍賣有限公司了解詳細情況。
Kangxi Blue and White Porcelain is famous for its exquisite foetal glaze, bright blue and white, simple and diverse shape and beautiful decoration. In the Kangxi Dynasty (1662-1722 AD, the Qing emperor Aixinjueluo Xuanye Nian), the economy and trade were developed. In the nineteenth year of Kangxi, Jingdezhen restored the imperial kiln factory, and blue and white porcelain made outstanding achievements.
Kangxi Blue and White Porcelain can be divided into three periods: the first year of Kangxi to the nineteenth year of Kangxi; the second period is from the twentieth year of Kangxi to the fortieth year of Kangxi; the last period is from the fortieth year of Kangxi to the end of Kangxi Dynasty, and the blue and white Porcelain the middle period of Kangxi is the most prominent. Its shape is also varied, not only display porcelain, but also daily life porcelain, sacrificial ware, export porcelain and so on.
Recently, Chengdu Boguxuan Auction Co., Ltd. has the honor to collect a pair of flower and bird olive bottles from Mr. Wang's ancestor Qing Kangxi in Shaanxi. This pair of bottle caliber: 14 cm bottom diameter: 13.8 cm high 42.3 cm. Horn mouth, slender neck, long drum belly under convergence, circle foot. Named for its olive shape. All-round blue and white decoration, painting flowers, birds and butterflies, and peony and magpie patterns, etc., have the meaning of "happy eyebrows".
It is one of the typical artifacts of Kangxi Period. It represents the charm and characteristics of Kangxi blue and white porcelain. Blue and white decorative, peony branches and vines intertwined, dense but not disorderly, very decorative. Peony magpie is one of the auspicious patterns, which implies happiness on the eyebrows. Porcelain collector investment collection is the best choice! If you are interested in purchasing and investing in the bottle, please consult Chengdu Boguxuan Auction Co., Ltd. for details.