【規格】重2065g 長3.8cm
The use of aloes in China has a long history, and the ancients, especially the literati, are very fond of this wonderful natural fragrance. Today, people are more and more interested in aloes, but most people do not know aloes very well, and even have a lot of misunderstandings about aloes. Many people confuse aloes with aloes. In fact, the nature of the two is completely different, and the price difference is huge. Whether aloes are wood in essence depends on their oil content.
Alpinia sinensis is a kind of wood containing resin which has been deposited for many years. Alpinia sinensis has been a very precious wood since ancient times. It is also the best raw material for handicraft.
其一:“熟結” :樹木死后,樹根樹干倒伏地面或沉入泥土,風吹雨淋,經年累月,慢慢分解、收縮而最終留下的以油脂成分為主的凝聚物。如(本草綱目)記,“其積年老木,長年其外皮俱朽,木心與枝節不壞,堅黑沉水者,即沉香也”。
其二:“生結” :樹木在活著的時候形成的香結。刀斧斫砍、蛇蟲動物嚙噬等外力引起較深的傷口后,香樹會滲出樹脂以作自我防護,從而在傷口附近結香。
其三:“脫落” :枝干朽落之后又結出的香。
其四:“蟲漏” :由于樹蟲、細菌等對樹木的蛀蝕而形成的香。
Wild natural aloes can be classified into four categories according to the different reasons for their fragrance formation.
Firstly, "ripening": after the death of trees, the roots and trunks of trees fall down on the ground or sink into the soil, dripping through the wind and rain, slowly decompose and shrink over the years, and finally leave a coagulant with grease as the main ingredient. For example (Compendium of Materia Medica), it is recorded that "the old wood accumulates for a long time, its outer skin is rotten, its core and branches are not bad, the solid and dark water sinks, that is, aloes also".
The second is "knot": the fragrant knot formed by trees while they are alive. After deep wounds caused by external forces such as cutting with knives and axes, snake and insect biting, the fragrant trees exuded resin for self-protection, thus forming fragrance near the wounds.
The third is "shedding": the fragrance that comes out after the decay of branches and trunks.
Fourth, insect leakage: fragrance formed by the erosion of trees by tree insects and bacteria.
After the trees begin to fragrance due to pathological changes, they will undergo a long growth period, which will take at least a few years to more than a decade. It will take decades or even hundreds of years for a high-quality aloe to form. Alpinia alopecuroides has very high medicinal value, fragrant odor, pungent sex, mild temperature, non-toxic, with the effect of breath analgesia, warming to stop vomiting, breathing and asthma. It is a treasure in the natural pharmacy. The aloes and aloes can also be used to carve Buddha statues, make Rosary beads, offer incense, and other parts of the statues carved with aloes are very rare and precious. The material of aloes is scarce. It can be used as a work of art at any time and has a good value of art collection. As a result, aloes have been made into various arts and crafts, such as hand strings, pendants, pendants, Buddha statues and so on, which are liked by many celebrities and collectors. The production of aloes is very small, but the market demand is very large. It can be seen that aloes are very precious and have high collection value.
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[陶瓷] 高古瓷、元明清瓷器、民國名瓷、現代毛瓷及大師精品瓷器,紫砂壺。
[古錢幣] 各朝代稀有古錢幣,清代,民國銀元銅元類。
[玉石] 古玉、明清玉、現代玉、翡翠、田黃、雞血石。
[字畫] 歷代名人名家書畫、現當代書畫、各派系名家字畫。
[雜項] 古籍善本、金銀銅器、奇石雕件、文房用品、佛像。
[家具] 明清各種材質的硬木家具,以紫檀、海南黃花梨及金絲楠木等名貴材料為主。