【規格】重26.6g 直徑3.95cm
In March 1927, the National Revolutionary Army conquered Nanjing in the northern expedition. After the capital was declared in April, the people actively prepared to issue a new national currency with the portrait of Sun Yat-sen as its design. During the period of the Republic of China, silver coins with the portrait of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in various formats were minted and issued. The front is the image of Sun Yat-sen, with a golden sun shining on the back and sailing boats advancing in the middle. In 1933 and 1934, the Republic of China cast a positive image of Sun Yat-sen, with a sailing boat advancing in the wind and waves, commonly known as "Shipping Ocean".
1928年11月,民國中央造幣廠鑄造了正面圖案是孫中山正面或側面像,背面為雙帆船在乘風破浪前進,兩側為“壹圓”兩字的銀幣。此銀幣的正面上環字樣“中華民國二十三年”,中間為孫中山側面像,銀幣背面鐫刻雙桅帆船放洋圖,船兩側楷書“壹圓”各一字,中間有一雙桅帆船正乘風破浪,故因背帆船,而又簡稱孫像船洋,或船洋;通過光線的對比和折射,我們依然可以看出這對錢幣的銀質斑駁蒼古的“五彩包漿”,這便是自然形成的“時間印記”。 整幣通體為雪花銀鑄造,此幣文字清晰,圖案精美,頭像生動傳神,鑄造技術非常精湛,而且這枚藏品保存較好,其色澤自然細膩,圖文深淺合適;幣中孫中山頭像更是栩栩如生,鑄工無雙;具有極高的藝術價值,歷史價值。
In November 1928, the Central Mint of the Republic of China coined a silver coin with the word "one circle" on both sides, with a front or side image of Sun Yat-sen and a double sailing boat on the back. On the front of the coin is the inscription "Twenty-three years of the Republic of China", with Sun Yat-sen's profile in the middle. On the back of the coin is an engraved picture of the sailing boat, with the words "one circle" in the regular script on both sides of the boat and a pair of sailing boats breaking through the wind and waves in the middle. Therefore, we can still see the silver of the coins by comparing and refracting the light. This is the natural "time mark" formed by the mottled ancient "multicoloured bags". The whole coin is made of snowflakes an