(華琪國際媒體中心10月23日訊)在2022年10月18日華琪舍利子博物館館主,張秋源博士在華琪舍利子博物館 51 座佛陀與佛陀弟子舍利子的舍利子塔供贈儀式的講詞。
釋定盛大長老,釋定凈大長老 , 吳蘇瑪娜大長老,來自馬來西亞,印尼,緬甸,泰國僧團與佛友們,親戚朋友們及華琪家人們,大家早上好。今天是個特別吉祥的日子,我們能一起供奉及迎接釋迦摩尼佛與佛陀弟子舍利子華琪舍利塔儀式。
我非常感謝華琪舍利子博物館有這機緣得到舍利子之王吳祺迪瓦拉在世的信任與支持,以永續舍利子之王吳祺迪瓦拉在世的心愿-以傳承佛教另一個二千五百年的使命。自釋迦摩佛陀涅槃, 在風雨無常的兩千五百年的歲月中,佛教是由前賢及一代代的宗師帶著傳承的使命而極力保留佛陀所留下來的遺物,教誨及智慧。這包括舍利子, 三藏經典,誦經禪修,遵守戒定慧, 建造佛塔佛寺佛像,璧畫文物藝術等等多元化的法門來傳承佛教命脈至今。 今天,我們有緣千里及不分國介相聚一起建塔及迎接佛陀及佛陀弟子舍利子供奉到世界各地。 我們的相遇并非偶然,而是我們有過去的因緣而讓我們一起聚會。
蠟燭雖小但它是黑暗中里的一道宿光,點燃光明讓黑暗消失。舍利子是佛陀與佛陀弟子所留給后人的圣物讓后人有機會瞻仰佛陀與佛陀弟子舍利子。 師父曾說佛陀與佛陀弟子舍利子是在這時代成為團結全球佛教信眾的信仰的紐帶, 感念佛陀的功德, 守衛著佛教之光。我深信當八萬四千座華琪舍利子塔供奉在世界各地的寺廟及佛塔時,有如蠟燭照亮世界的每個角落,讓佛教走向更興旺另一個兩千五百年。同時, 佛教之光也照亮我們的心靈,增進我們對三寶的信心, 跟隨及實踐佛陀的教誨脫離苦海, 修成正果。 因此,我希望我們能一起做這福報,把舍利子保藏及供奉好以實踐佛教未來2500年的使命。
最后,我要感謝釋定盛大長老,釋定凈大長老 , 吳蘇瑪娜大長老,各國僧團們的到訪及給予加持與祝福。也感謝大家抽出寶貴的時間一起見證供奉與迎接釋迦摩尼佛及弟子舍利子與舍利塔儀式。同時,也祝大家 身體健康,生意興隆,遠離災難,國泰民安。阿彌陀佛。Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu。
Waki Relic Musuem, Malaysia presented 51 units of the Buddha and his disciple’s relics in the Waki Relic Pagoda For Enshrinement
(WAki International Media Center 23rd Oct) The speech of Dr. Teo Choo Guan, President of Waki Relic Museum in 51 units of Waki Relic Pagodas Enshrinement Ceremony on 18th October 2022.
Good morning to Venerable Bhikku Aryamitri, Venerable Bhikkhu Dharmavimala, Venerable Sayadaw U sumana, all the Sangha members from Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand, brothers and sisters in dhamma, relatives, friends and all Waki Family members. Today is an auspicious day that we are honoured to be present at the enshrinement of the Buddha and his disciple’s relics in the Waki Relic Pagoda Ceremony.
My heartfelt thanks that we had met the late Sayadaw U Kittivara, who was so trusting and supportive us during his lifetime. Therefore, we will carry out the Relic Missionary works continually and fulfill the wishes of the late Sayadaw on preserve and enshrine the Buddha and His Disciples’ relics for flourish and prolong the Buddhism into another 2,500 years. After the buddha had attained nibbana, many generations of great masters preserved the relics carefully and used them to propagate the teachings of Buddha and to practice the dharma to gain wisdom. There are many different methods were used to propagate Buddhism. The masters used the relics, the Tipitaka, chanting and meditation. They practised the sila, samathi and meditation. They also built monasteries, pagodas and buddha images. Murals and art work on the life of Buddha were also used to preserve the heritage of buddhism even until this day. Today, representatives from different countries have gathered here to build and receive the relics of the Buddha and his disciples to enshrine in many different parts of the world. Our presence here is not a coincidence. We are able to meet today on this joyous occasion because of the good deeds we have done in this life.
Although the candle is small, it is a ray of light to the darkness. Relics are the holy veneration from the Buddha and his disciples for devotees to enshrine and pay homage. The late Sayadaw U Kittivara said that the relics of buddha and his disciples represents the ray of light that lights up the whole world and connect the global Buddhists in this new era salute to and recite the great virtues of the Buddha. I strongly believe that when we have completed the enshrinement of the 84,000 Waki relic pagodas in the temples and pagodas all over the world, the teachings of Buddhism will flourish and will bequeath the future generations the chances to enshrine and pay respect to the Buddha Relics. Therefore, I hope we will continue this missionary effort together to flourish and propagate the Buddha sasana to another 2500 years.
Lastly, I would like thanks to Sayadaw U Sumana, Bhikkhu Aryamaitri, Bhikkhu…and all Sangha members visit Waki Relic Musuem and give us the blessing. Besides, thanks to all the guests takes your time for participate and witnessing the ceremony. I wish all of you have good health, wisdom, good business and wish be fulfilled and free from the disaster. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu.