1. 前言
2. 等值連接和非等值連接
2.1 等值連接
select *
from student,
where student.family_id = family.id;
2.2 非等值連接
-- 第一種寫法:使用between...and...
select a.discipline_name, a.score, b.grade_tag
from achievement a,
achievement_grade b
where a.score between b.lowest_score and b.highest_score;
-- 第二種寫法,使用>=或<=
select a.discipline_name, a.score, b.grade_tag
from achievement a,
achievement_grade b
where a.score >= b.lowest_score
and a.score <= b.highest_score;
3. 自連接和非自連接
3.1 自連接
-- 先查詢語文的分數
select score from achievement where discipline_name = '語文';
-- 再查詢分數比語文分數更高的數據
select * from achievement where score > 76;
select a.*
from achievement a,
achievement b
where b.discipline_name = '語文'
and a.score > b.score;
3.2 非自連接
4. 內連接和外連接
- 內連接:合并具有同一列的兩個或兩個以上的表的行, 結果集中不包含一個表與另一個表不匹配的行
- 外連接:兩個表在連接過程中除了返回滿足連接條件的行以外還返回左(或右)表中不滿足條件的
- 行 ,這種連接稱為左(或右) 外連接。沒有匹配的行時, 結果表中相應的列為空(NULL)。
- 左外連接:連接條件中左邊的表也稱為主表 ,右邊的表稱為從表 。
- 右外連接:連接條件中右邊的表也稱為主表 ,左邊的表稱為從表 。
- 全外連接
4.1 測試數據
4.2 左外連接
-- 查出student中的所有數據,不滿足的顯示為null
-- 這里student在前面
select a.*
from student a
left join family b on a.family_id = b.id
4.3 右外連接
-- 查出student中的所有數據,不滿足的顯示為null
-- 這里student在后面
select a.*
from family b
right join student a on b.id = a.family_id;
4.4 全外連接
-- auto-generated definition
create table student
id int auto_increment
primary key,
student_id int null comment '學號',
student_name varchar(40) null comment '姓名',
family_id int null comment '家庭ID',
create_time datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP null comment '創建時間'
comment '學生表';
create table family
id int auto_increment
primary key,
family_name varchar(40) null comment '家庭名稱',
family_address varchar(40) null comment '家庭地址',
create_time datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP null comment '創建時間'
comment '家庭表';
create table achievement
id int auto_increment
primary key,
score int null comment '分數',
discipline_name varchar(40) null comment '學科名稱',
student_id int null comment '學號'
comment '成績表';
create table achievement_grade
id int auto_increment
primary key,
grade_tag varchar(10) null comment '檔次',
lowest_score int null comment '最低分',
highest_score int null comment '最高分',
create_time datetime default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP null comment '創建時間'
comment '分數檔次表';
INSERT INTO achievement_grade (id, grade_tag, lowest_score, highest_score, create_time) VALUES (1, '不及格', 0, 60, '2022-03-02 11:44:01');
INSERT INTO achievement_grade (id, grade_tag, lowest_score, highest_score, create_time) VALUES (2, '良好', 60, 80, '2022-03-02 11:44:01');
INSERT INTO achievement_grade (id, grade_tag, lowest_score, highest_score, create_time) VALUES (3, '優秀', 80, 100, '2022-03-02 11:44:01');
INSERT INTO student (id, student_id, student_name, family_id, create_time) VALUES (1, 1, '張三', 1, '2022-03-02 09:55:01');
INSERT INTO student (id, student_id, student_name, family_id, create_time) VALUES (2, 2, '李四', 2, '2022-03-02 09:55:01');
INSERT INTO student (id, student_id, student_name, family_id, create_time) VALUES (3, 3, '王五', 3, '2022-03-02 09:55:01');
INSERT INTO student (id, student_id, student_name, family_id, create_time) VALUES (4, 4, '高飛', null, '2022-03-02 19:45:14');
INSERT INTO family (id, family_name, family_address, create_time) VALUES (1, '張三家', '北京', '2022-03-02 09:54:13');
INSERT INTO family (id, family_name, family_address, create_time) VALUES (2, '李四家', '上海', '2022-03-02 09:54:13');
INSERT INTO family (id, family_name, family_address, create_time) VALUES (3, '王五家', '西伯利亞', '2022-03-02 09:54:13');
INSERT INTO achievement (id, score, discipline_name, student_id) VALUES (1, 76, '語文', 1);
INSERT INTO achievement (id, score, discipline_name, student_id) VALUES (2, 80, '數學', 1);
INSERT INTO achievement (id, score, discipline_name, student_id) VALUES (3, 65, '英語', 1);
INSERT INTO achievement (id, score, discipline_name, student_id) VALUES (4, 98, '地理', 1);
INSERT INTO achievement (id, score, discipline_name, student_id) VALUES (5, 77, '歷史', 1);
INSERT INTO achievement (id, score, discipline_name, student_id) VALUES (6, 69, '生物', 1);