1. 信號燈概述
- 二值信號燈:最簡單的信號燈形式,信號燈的值只能取0或1,類似于互斥鎖。
注:二值信號燈能夠實現互斥鎖的功能,但兩者的關注內容不同。信號燈強調共享資源,只要共享資源可用,其他進程同樣可以修改信號燈的值;互斥鎖更強調進程,占用資源的進程使用完資源后,必須由進程本身來解鎖。 - 計算信號燈:信號燈的值可以取任意非負值(當然受內核本身的約束)。
2. linux信號燈
linux對信號燈的支持狀況與消息隊列一樣,在red had 8.0發行版本中支持的是系統V的信號燈。因此,本文將主要介紹系統V信號燈及其相應API。在沒有聲明的情況下,以下討論中指的都是系統V信號燈。
3. 信號燈與內核
1、系統V信號燈是隨內核持續的,只有在內核重起或者顯示刪除一個信號燈集時,該信號燈集才會真正被刪除。因此系統中記錄信號燈的數據結構(struct ipc_ids sem_ids)位于內核中,系統中的所有信號燈都可以在結構sem_ids中找到訪問入口。
其中:structipc_ids sem_ids是內核中記錄信號燈的全局數據結構;描述一個具體的信號燈及其相關信息。
其中,struct sem結構如下:
struct sem
int semval; // current value
int sempid; // pid of last operation
從上圖可以看出,全局數據結構struct ipc_ids sem_ids可以訪問到struct ipc_id ipcid的一個成員:struct kern_ipc_perm;而每個struct kern_ipc_perm能夠與具體的信號燈集對應起來是因為在該結構中,有一個key_t類型成員key,而key則唯一確定一個信號燈集struct sem_array;同時,結構struct sem_array的最后一個成員sem_nsems確定了該信號燈在信號燈集中的順序,這樣內核就能夠記錄每個信號燈的信息了。
struct kern_ipc_perm
key_t key; //該鍵值則唯一對應一個信號燈集
uid_t uid;
gid_t gid;
uid_t cuid;
gid_t cgid;
mode_t mode;
unsigned long seq;
/*系統中的每個信號燈集對應一個sem_array 結構 */
struct sem_array
struct kern_ipc_perm sem_perm; /* permissions .. see ipc.h */
time_t sem_otime; /* last semop time */
time_t sem_ctime; /* last change time */
struct sem *sem_base; /* ptr to first semaphore in array */
struct sem_queue *sem_pending; /* pending operations to be processed */
struct sem_queue **sem_pending_last; /* last pending operation */
struct sem_undo *undo; /* undo requests on this array */
unsigned long sem_nsems; /* no. of semaphores in array */
/* 系統中每個因為信號燈而睡眠的進程,都對應一個sem_queue結構*/
struct sem_queue
struct sem_queue * next; /* next entry in the queue */
struct sem_queue ** prev; /* previous entry in the queue, *(q->prev) == q */
struct task_struct* sleeper; /* this process */
struct sem_undo * undo; /* undo structure */
int pid; /* process id of requesting process */
int status; /* completion status of operation */
struct sem_array * sma; /* semaphore array for operations */
int id; /* internal sem id */
struct sembuf * sops; /* array of pending operations */
int nsops; /* number of operations */
int alter; /* operation will alter semaphore */
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4. 操作信號燈
1、打開或創建信號燈 與消息隊列的創建及打開基本相同,不再詳述。
2、信號燈值操作 linux可以增加或減小信號燈的值,相應于對共享資源的釋放和占有。具體參見后面的semop系統調用。
3、獲得或設置信號燈屬性: 系統中的每一個信號燈集都對應一個struct sem_array結構,該結構記錄了信號燈集的各種信息,存在于系統空間。為了設置、獲得該信號燈集的各種信息及屬性,在用戶空間有一個重要的聯合結構與之對應,即union semun。
union semun
int val; /* value for SETVAL */
struct semid_ds *buf; /* buffer for IPC_STAT & IPC_SET */
unsigned short *array; /* array for GETALL & SETALL */
struct seminfo *__buf; /* buffer for IPC_INFO */ //test!!
void *__pad;
The semid_ds data structure is defined in <sys/sem.h> as follows:
struct semid_ds {
struct ipc_perm sem_perm; /* Ownership and permissions */
time_t sem_otime; /* Last semop time */
time_t sem_ctime; /* Last change time */
unsigned short sem_nsems; /* No. of semaphores in set */
The ipc_perm structure is defined in <sys/ipc.h> as follows (the highlighted fields are settable using IPC_SET):
struct ipc_perm {
key_t key; /* Key supplied to semget() */
uid_t uid; /* Effective UID of owner */
gid_t gid; /* Effective GID of owner */
uid_t cuid; /* Effective UID of creator */
gid_t cgid; /* Effective GID of creator */
unsigned short mode; /* Permissions */
unsigned short seq; /* Sequence number */
seminfo, defined in <sys/sem.h> if the _GNU_SOURCE feature test macro is defined:
struct seminfo {
int semmap; /* #(number?) of entries in semaphore map;
unused */
int semmni; /* Max. # of semaphore sets */
int semmns; /* Max. # of semaphores in all
semaphore sets */
int semmnu; /* System-wide max. # of undo
structures; unused */
int semmsl; /* Max. # of semaphores in a set */
int semopm; /* Max. # of operations for semop() */
int semume; /* Max. # of undo entries per
process; unused */
int semusz; /* size of struct sem_undo */
int semvmx; /* Maximum semaphore value */
int semaem; /* Max. value that can be recorded for
semaphore adjustment (SEM_UNDO) */
The semmsl, semmns, semopm, and semmni settings can be changed via /proc/sys/kernel/sem; see proc(5) for details.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
key_t ftok (char*pathname, char proj);
2、 linux特有的ipc()調用:
int ipc(unsigned int call, int first, intsecond, int third, void *ptr, long fifth);
參數call取不同值時,對應信號燈的三個系統調用: 當call為SEMOP時,對應int semop(int semid, struct sembuf *sops, unsigned nsops)調用; 當call為SEMGET時,對應int semget(key_t key, int nsems,int semflg)調用; 當call為SEMCTL時,對應int semctl(int semid,int semnum,int cmd,union semun arg)調用; 這些調用將在后面闡述。
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
1)int semget(key_t key, int nsems, int semflg) 參數key是一個鍵值,由ftok獲得,唯一標識一個信號燈集,用法與msgget()中的key相同;參數nsems指定打開或者新創建的信號燈集中將包含信號燈的數目;semflg參數是一些標志位。參數key和semflg的取值,以及何時打開已有信號燈集或者創建一個新的信號燈集與msgget()中的對應部分相同。該調用返回與健值key相對應的信號燈集描述字。 調用返回:成功返回信號燈集描述字,否則返回-1。 注:如果key所代表的信號燈已經存在,且semflg指定了IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL標志,那么即使參數nsems與原來信號燈的數目不等,返回的也是EEXIST錯誤;如果semflg只指定了IPC_CREAT標志,那么參數nsems必須與原來的值一致,在后面程序實例中還要進一步說明。
Upon creation, the least significant 9 bits of the argument semflg define the permissions (for owner, group and others) for the semaphore set. These bits have the same format, and the same meaning, as the mode argument of open(2) (though the execute permissions are not meaningful for semaphores, and write permissions mean permission to alter semaphore values)
例如:IPC_CREAT | 權限標識
2)int semop(int semid, struct sembuf *sops, unsigned nsops); semid是信號燈集ID,sops指向數組的每一個sembuf結構都刻畫一個在特定信號燈上的操作。nsops為sops指向數組的大小。 sembuf結構如下:
struct sembuf
unsigned short sem_num; /* semaphore index in array */
short sem_op; /* semaphore operation */
short sem_flg; /* operation flags */
sem_op的值大于0,等于0以及小于0確定了對sem_num指定的信號燈進行的三種操作。具體請參考linux相應手冊頁。 (是信號量在一次操作中需要改變的數值(可以是非1的數值)。通常只會用到兩個值:-1----P操作,申請資源,如果已經沒有資源可申請,則阻塞。為阻塞原語;1---V操作,釋放資源,為喚醒原語。)
若sem_op 是正數,其值就加到semval上,即釋放信號量控制的資源若sem_op 是0,那么調用者希望等到semval變為0,如果semval是0就返回;若sem_op 是負數,那么調用者希望等待到semval變為大于或等于sem_op的絕對值。如果當前semval大于或等于sem_op的絕對值,則立即返回。
3) int semctl(int semid,int semnum,int cmd,union semun arg) 該系統調用實現對信號燈的各種控制操作,參數semid指定信號燈集,參數cmd指定具體的操作類型;參數semnum指定對哪個信號燈操作,只對幾個特殊的cmd操作有意義;arg用于設置或返回信號燈信息。該系統調用詳細信息請參見其手冊頁,這里只給出參數cmd所能指定的操作。
IPC_RMID Immediately remove the semaphore set, awakening all processes blocked in semop()
calls on the set (with an error return and errno set to EIDRM). The effective user ID
of the calling process must match the creator or owner of the semaphore set, or the
caller must be privileged. The argument semnum is ignored.
5. 信號燈的限制
1、一次系統調用semop可同時操作的信號燈數目SEMOPM,semop中的參數nsops如果超過了這個數目,將返回E2BIG錯誤。SEMOPM的大小特定與系統,redhat 8.0為32。
2、信號燈的最大值:SEMVMX,當設置信號燈值超過這個限制時,會返回ERANGE錯誤。在redhat 8.0中該值為32767。
3、系統范圍內信號燈集的最大數目SEMMNI以及系統范圍內信號燈的最大數目SEMMNS。超過這兩個限制將返回ENOSPC錯誤。redhat 8.0中該值為32000。
4、每個信號燈集中的最大信號燈數目SEMMSL,redhat 8.0中為250。 SEMOPM以及SEMVMX是使用semop調用時應該注意的;SEMMNI以及SEMMNS是調用semget時應該注意的。SEMVMX同時也是semctl調用應該注意的。
6. 競爭問題
7. 信號燈應用實例
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/sem.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SEM_PATH "/unix/my_sem"
#define max_tries 10
#ifndef IPC_INFO
#define IPC_INFO 3 /* see ipcs */
int gi_semid;
const int gi_semcnt = 1;
union semun
int val; /* value for SETVAL */
struct semid_ds *buf; /* buffer for IPC_STAT & IPC_SET */
unsigned short *array; /* array for GETALL & SETALL */
struct seminfo *__buf; /* buffer for IPC_INFO */ //test!!
void *__pad;
int main()
int i_flag_create, i_flag_get, i_key, i, i_init_ok, i_tmperrno;
struct semid_ds semid_ds_var;
struct seminfo seminfo_var;
union semun semun_arg;
struct sembuf sembuf_ask, sembuf_free;
i_flag_create = IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | 00666;
i_flag_get = IPC_CREAT | 00666;
i_key = ftok( SEM_PATH, 'a' );
//error handling for ftok here;
i_init_ok = 0;
gi_semid = semget( i_key, gi_semcnt, i_flag_create );
//create a semaphore set that only includes one semaphore.
if( gi_semid < 0 )
i_tmperrno = errno;
perror( "semget" );
if( i_tmperrno == EEXIST )
//errno is undefined after a successful library call( including perror call)
//so it is saved in i_tmperrno.
gi_semid = semget( i_key, gi_semcnt, i_flag_get );
// i_flag_get 只包含了IPC_CREAT標志, 參數nsems(這里為1)
// 必須與原來的信號燈數目一致
semun_arg.buf = &semid_ds_var;
for ( i = 0; i < max_tries; i++ )
printf( "semctl IPC_STAT, to solve compete: %d n", i );
if ( semctl( gi_semid, 0, IPC_STAT, semun_arg ) == -1 )
perror( "semctl error" );
i = max_tries;
if( semun_arg.buf->sem_otime != 0 )
// the create process already initialized the semaphore
i = max_tries;
i_init_ok = 1;
} // for(i=0; i<max_tries; i++)
if( !i_init_ok )
// do some initializing, here we assume that the first process that creates the sem
// will finish initialize the sem and run semop in max_tries*1 seconds. else it will
// not run semop any more.
printf( "semctl SETVALn" );
semun_arg.val = 1;
if ( semctl( gi_semid, 0, SETVAL, semun_arg ) == -1 )
perror( "semctl SETVAL error" );
} // if(!i_init_ok)
} // if(i_tmperrno==EEXIST)
perror("semget error, process exit");
exit( 1 );
else //gi_semid>=0; do some initializing
printf( "create semaphore success, initialize itn" );
semun_arg.val = 1;
if ( semctl( gi_semid, 0, SETVAL, semun_arg ) == -1 )
perror( "semctl SETVAL error" );
//get some information about the semaphore and the limit of semaphore in redhat8.0
if( semctl( gi_semid, 0, IPC_STAT, semun_arg ) == -1 )
perror("semctl IPC STAT");
printf( "owner's uid is %dn", semun_arg.buf->sem_perm.uid );
printf( "owner's gid is %dn", semun_arg.buf->sem_perm.gid );
printf( "creater's uid is %dn", semun_arg.buf->sem_perm.cuid );
printf( "creater's gid is %dn", semun_arg.buf->sem_perm.cgid );
semun_arg.__buf = &seminfo_var;
if( semctl( gi_semid, 0, IPC_INFO, semun_arg ) == -1 )
perror( "semctl IPC_INFO" );
printf( "the number of entries in semaphore map is %d n", semun_arg.__buf->semmap );
printf( "max number of semaphore identifiers is %d n", semun_arg.__buf->semmni );
printf( "mas number of semaphores in system is %d n", semun_arg.__buf->semmns );
printf( "the number of undo structures system wide is %d n", semun_arg.__buf->semmnu );
printf( "max number of semaphores per gi_semid is %d n", semun_arg.__buf->semmsl );
printf( "max number of ops per semop call is %d n", semun_arg.__buf->semopm );
printf( "max number of undo entries per process is %d n", semun_arg.__buf->semume );
printf( "the sizeof of struct sem_undo is %d n", semun_arg.__buf->semusz );
printf( "the maximum semaphore value is %d n", semun_arg.__buf->semvmx );
// print sem_otime
semun_arg.buf = &semid_ds_var;
if ( semctl( gi_semid, 0, IPC_STAT, semun_arg ) == -1 )
perror( "semctl error" );
i = max_tries;
printf( "before semop, semun_arg.buf->sem_otime: %lun", semun_arg.buf->sem_otime );
//now ask for available resource:
printf( "now ask the resourcen" );
sembuf_ask.sem_num = 0;
sembuf_ask.sem_op = -1;
sembuf_ask.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
if( semop( gi_semid, &sembuf_ask, 1 ) == -1 ) //ask for resource
perror("semop error");
printf( "ask the resource successn" );
// print sem_otime
semun_arg.buf = &semid_ds_var;
if ( semctl( gi_semid, 0, IPC_STAT, semun_arg ) == -1 )
perror( "semctl error" );
i = max_tries;
printf( "after semop, semun_arg.buf->sem_otime: %lun", semun_arg.buf->sem_otime );
//do some handling on the sharing resource here, just sleep on it 3 seconds
printf( "now free the resourcen" );
//now free resource
sembuf_free.sem_num = 0;
sembuf_free.sem_op = 1;
sembuf_free.sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;
if ( semop( gi_semid, &sembuf_free, 1 ) == -1 ) //free the resource.
if( errno == EIDRM )
printf( "the semaphore set has been removedn" );
//you can comment out the codes below to compile a different version:
if( semctl( gi_semid, 0, IPC_RMID ) == -1 )
perror( "semctl IPC_RMID" );
printf("remove sem okn");
return 0;
create semaphore success, initialize it
owner's uid is 1007
owner's gid is 1007
creater's uid is 1007
creater's gid is 1007
the number of entries in semaphore map is 32000
max number of semaphore identifiers is 128
mas number of semaphores in system is 32000
the number of undo structures system wide is 32000
max number of semaphores per gi_semid is 250
max number of ops per semop call is 32
max number of undo entries per process is 32
the sizeof of struct sem_undo is 20
the maximum semaphore value is 32767
before semop, semun_arg.buf->sem_otime: 0
now ask the resource
ask the resource success
after semop, semun_arg.buf->sem_otime: 1398501342
now free the resource
remove sem ok